TurinoX Turinabol Malay Tiger | 100 tab – 10 mg/table


  • Quality muscle growth
  • Increased endurance and strength
  • Increasing the relief of muscles
  • Increasing the hardness of the muscles
  • Minimum rollback
  • No aromatization
  • Description

    Turinabol from Malay Tiger is a tableted anabolic steroid that is very popular among athletes from around the world. The high demand for turinabol is evidenced by the fact that it is present in the line of all manufacturers of sports pharmacology. Athletes of different levels of training, as well as women, can buy turinabol from the manufacturer Malay Tiger to improve athletic performance.

    It is easy to buy this drug today. To do this, you just need to contact our Black Side online store. Our price for Turinabol from Malay Tiger is designed for a wide range of athletes and looks as attractive as possible against the background of competitors. This undoubtedly has a serious impact on the popularity of the anabolic. Also, do not forget about the versatility of the tour. This anabolic-androgenic steroid has been actively used by representatives of various sports for more than a decade.

    Main effects Turinabol Malay Tiger

    Turinox is based on chlordehydromethyltestosterone. This substance is a derivative of testosterone. Like the original hormone, turinabol has a strong anabolic activity – 100 percent. At the same time, it is inferior to testosterone in androgenicity – 50 percent.

    Working on chlordehydromethyltestsotherone, scientists aimed to create a safer version of methane. That is why experts in the field of sports medicine often compare these steroid drugs with each other. Now we can state the fact that they managed to solve the problem.

    Since Turinabol does not aromatize, it is rightfully considered a safer drug. However, the amount of mass gained on the course of methandienone is greater. However, due to the strong rollback effect, a certain part of the results obtained will be lost. After stopping Turinabol, almost all the results obtained on the course are saved. This is another argument to order Turinabol from Malay Tiger.

    We note the main positive qualities of anabolic:

    • accelerate the process of hypertrophy of muscle tissue,
    • increases endurance, performance and strength,
    • has strong anti-catabolic properties,
    • is a powerful fat burner.

    On the Internet, you can easily find reviews of turinabol from Malay Tiger. All of them are positive. Athletes note, first of all, the good effectiveness of the steroid, as well as its high level of safety.

    TurinoX Malay Tiger Solo Course Rules

    As we said above, turinox can be taken, including by athletes. For them, the recommended daily dosage is in the range of 20-50 mg. Men in a similar time period can use 20-80 mg of the steroid. The minimum course duration is 4 weeks. However, it is not recommended to use it for more than 8 weeks. This is due to the fact that this drug can increase the load on the liver. Although no cases of liver damage have been identified in the entire history of the use of turinabol.

    Features of combining a steroid

    If the solo cycle is great for beginners, then experienced bodybuilders prefer to combine turinabol with other anabolic steroids. It is best to choose injectable preparations as ligaments so as not to overload the liver.The most popular are bundles with meek testosterones, trenbolone acetate, primobolan, winstrol, masteron.

    What side effects should athletes be wary of?

    Turinabol is rightfully considered one of the safest steroids. This drug does not have estrogenic and progestogenic activity. It is also a moderate androgen.


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