Trenbolone Mix ZPHC Trenbolone Mix | 1 ampoule/ml – 200 mg/ml



For the first time, a mixture of trenbolone esters was created in the seventies of the last century. Despite this, athletes began to actively use this drug only in the 2000s. Until now, bodybuilders have been using mono esters. This steroid is of good quality and excellent performance. It is most advisable to use it during the period of mass gain. An additional effect of the use of this anabolic is a rapid increase in strength. If you want to buy a trenbolone mix from the Chinese manufacturer ZPHC on favorable terms, then contact our online sports pharmacology store Black Side.

Main Effects of Mix Trenbolone ZPHC

This drug can be compared with Sustanon, but it has a greater effect on the body. It contains all the esters of trenbolone. Recall that these substances are among the most powerful steroids. Since the active components of this anabolic-androgenic steroid differ in half-life, the anabolic quickly enters the work, but at the same time retains the ability to affect the body for a long time.

Since all the active components of the mix are esters of one substance, the combination of anabolic and androgenic activity of this drug is completely similar to tren mono esters – 400 and 200 percent, respectively. We note the main properties of AAS:

  • actively stimulates the growth of muscle fibers,
  • comes into operation almost immediately after the introduction,
  • increases strength and performance,
  • is a powerful fat burner.

In addition, the steroid is able to accelerate the production of insulin-like growth factor.This substance takes an active part in the processes of hypertrophy of muscle fibers. On favorable terms, you can order a mix of trenbolone ZPHC in our Black Side store.

Trenbolone Mix ZPHC Solo Course Rules

Since this anabolic has a prolonged action, the scheme of its use does not differ from the use of long esters of tren. Injections should be given twice within seven days. The weekly dosage is in the range of 150-300 mg. The duration of the course is in the range of 2-3 months. Given the high effect of trenbolone mix ZPHC on the body, after stopping the drug, it is imperative to carry out post-cycle therapy. Moreover, during this period it is not recommended to use tamoxifen, since this antiestrogen stimulates the work of prolactin receptors. Note that the price of a mix of trenbolone from ZPHC only at first glance seems overpriced.

Features of combining a steroid

Having studied the reviews of the ZPHC trenbolone mix, you can easily compile a list of drugs with which athletes most often combine it: boldenone, testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, sustanon, anadrol.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

The risks of developing side effects on the course of this anabolic steroid can be regarded as high. However, if all recommendations are followed, athletes in most cases do not encounter them. In addition to using the anabolic at the recommended doses, you have to take two medications. Mandatory among them is cabergoline. With this tool, you can control the concentration of prolactin. It should be taken on every course.

The second medication is gonadotropin. It is included in courses lasting more than six weeks. Gonadotropin imitates the work of the hormones of the gonadotropic group, thereby stimulating the process of synthesis of the endogenous male hormone.


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