Drostanolone Enanthate Masteron Enanthate ZPHC | 1 ampoule/ml – 200 mg/ml


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In our Black Side store, you can order masteron enanthate from the Chinese manufacturer ZPHC on favorable terms. This drug is in high demand in the market of sports pharmacology. It has long been used by Western bodybuilders, including professional ones. Thanks to the development of Internet technologies, domestic athletes also have the opportunity to buy Masteron Enanthate ZPHC. With this steroid, you can significantly increase strength and get rid of excess fat. It is not advisable to use Masteron during the period of mass gain.

Main effects of Masteron Enanthate ZPHC

The active component of this anabolic-androgenic steroid is drostanolone enanthate. This derivative of dihydrotestosterone has a long half-life, which eliminates the need for frequent injections on the course. The popularity of the steroid in question is not due to this fact. Drostanolone was created in the sixties of the last century. However, it appeared on the market only ten years later.

For a long time, masteron has been used in traditional medicine. With its help, doctors quite successfully fought breast cancer in women. But patients often experienced negative effects. The reason for their appearance is a high rate of androgenic activity -130 percent. At the same time, this steroid is a moderate anabolic – 40 percent.

This ratio of the main steroid properties of the drug is explained by the nature of its origin – dihydrotestosterone is the most powerful androgen in the human body.There are other steroid drugs on the market that are derivatives of this hormone, but scientists have deliberately reduced their androgenicity. It should be noted that when using masteron enanthate ZPHC by men, androgenic negative effects are quite rare.

We note the main positive qualities of the drug:

  • actively stimulates the processes of reduction of adipose tissue,
  • on the course, working capacity and endurance are significantly increased,
  • has strong anti-catabolic properties,
  • improves the relief of the body,
  • is a strong diuretic
  • improves muscle vascularity.

Since this drug has been used in the sports field for several decades, there is no doubt about its effectiveness. Since the price of masteron enanthate from ZPHC is relatively low, many bodybuilding enthusiasts can purchase it.

Rules for conducting a solo course Drostanolone Enanthate ZPHC

It should immediately be said that this steroid is contraindicated for athletes. Due to the long half-life of the active ingredient, injections can only be given twice within seven days. The weekly dose of drostanolone enanthate is 300-600 mg. The duration of courses with his participation can be up to three months. After discontinuation of Masteron, conduct post-cycle therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

To increase the effectiveness of masteron courses, experienced athletes conduct combined courses. Having studied the reviews of masteron enanthate from ZPHC, you can easily make a list of the most popular bundles: short testosterones, trenbolone and nandrolone, winstrol, turinabol, stanozolol, primobolan, oxandrolone.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Drostanolone does not have progestogenic activity and does not aromatize.Thanks to this, you are insured against side effects of the corresponding types. As mentioned above, when using Masteron, men rarely experience negative effects of the androgenic type. All this makes this drug one of the safest on the market. It is important to remember that the risks of developing side effects will be minimal only if all recommendations for the use of pharmacology are followed.


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