Trenbolone Acetate Trenbolone Acetate ZPHC | 1 ampoule/ml – 100 mg/ml



Trenbolone acetate from the Chinese company ZPHC occupies a special place in the pharmacological arsenal of bodybuilders. This is a powerful steroid with which you can solve various problems. It is the high performance and versatility that many experts in the field of sports pharmacology explain the popularity of this drug. It is also worth noting the excellent quality of all Zhenjoy products, including the short train. If you want to order trenbolone acetate from ZPHC on favorable terms, then contact our Black Side online store.

Main Effects of Trenbolone Acetate ZPHC

The active component of the steroid under consideration today is a modified version of nandrolone. Thanks to the changes made to the molecular structure, trenbolone is significantly superior to the original substance in terms of the strength of its effect on the body. This steroid is one of the most powerful on the market. Judge for yourself:

anabolic activity index 400 percent,

androgenicity – 200%.

There are more powerful anabolic-androgenic steroids on the market, but they have very specific uses. Trenbolone is actively used by bodybuilders. We note the main positive qualities of this drug:

  • on the course there is an increase in the qualitative mass,
  • rapidly increasing strength and performance,
  • has strong fat burning properties,
  • is a powerful anti-catabolic.

If you want to buy trenbolone acetate from ZPHC, then you can do it profitably with us. Another important feature of this anabolic is the ability to accelerate the secretion of insulin-like growth factor.Almost every bodybuilder is aware of the importance of this substance for the processes of hypertrophy of muscle mass. If you have not heard of IGF, then suffice it to say that most of the effects of growth hormone are associated with this substance.

But the price of trenbolone acetate ZPHC will not appeal to all athletes. Against the background of other drugs, it may seem high. Nevertheless, we are sure that after the first course, your opinion will change. After studying the reviews of trenbolone acetate from ZPHC, you will understand how effective this anabolic steroid is.

Trenbolone Acetate ZPHC Solo Course Rules

Since this is a short-acting drug, injections should be given every third day. In this case, a single dose is 75-150 mg. The duration of the course is in the range of 1.5-2 months. Since this is a powerful steroid, after stopping the drug, be sure to carry out post-cycle therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

You can increase the effectiveness of courses involving a short training session by combining steroids. Most bodybuilders use trenbolone acetate in combination with short testosterones, drostanolone, winstrol, turinabol, primobolan, stanozolol.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Given the high impact of trenbolone acetate ZPHC on the body, it can be assumed that the risk of side effects in its courses is high. In practice, this is what happens. Trenbolone has been used by bodybuilders for over five decades. During this time, they have created not only effective, but also safe schemes for the use of acetate.

To eliminate the progestogenic activity of the drug, you need to introduce cabergoline into the course. This medication effectively reduces the concentration of prolactin.Also, one should be aware of the strong negative impact of tren on the performance of the HH axis. If you use a steroid for more than six weeks, be sure to use gonadotropin. With it, you can support the production of endogenous male hormone.


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