Drostanolone Enanthate Masteron Enanthate Magnus Pharmaceuticals | 10 ml/vial – 200 mg/ml


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Masteron Enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals is a popular short-acting steroid used by athletes to improve body definition and quickly utilize fat. This drug has been actively used by Western athletes for several decades. It appeared relatively recently on the domestic market of sports pharmacology. This happened due to the development of Internet technologies and the emergence of online stores. With us you can always buy Masteron Enanthate from the manufacturer Magnus Pharmaceuticals on favorable terms.

Main effects of Masteron Enanthate Magnus Pharmaceuticals

For the first time drostanolone enanthate appeared on the market in the seventies. However, it was developed ten years earlier. This drug was created for use in traditional medicine. It has been used for a long time as a treatment for oncological diseases of the breast.

Despite the good results, doctors still had to stop using Masteron. This is due to the high frequency of side effects in patients. This fact is explained simply – drostanolone is a strong androgen. By its nature of origin, this substance is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone.

This hormone is the most powerful androgen in the body. At the same time, while working on the masteron, scientists did not significantly reduce this indicator. As a result, this steroid was the only one in its group, in which anabolic activity was lower compared to androgenic.

Thus, only men can order Masteron Enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals.Athletes should not use this drug. We note the main positive effects of the steroid:

  • improves the relief of the body,
  • increases performance and strength
  • has strong diuretic properties,
  • is a powerful anti-catabolic
  • accelerates the processes of lipolysis.

As for the price of Masteron Enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals, it looks attractive. This steroid is available for a wide range of athletes.

Rules for the solo course Drostanolone Enanthate Magnus Pharmaceuticals

Masteron's administration scheme is not very complex. Since this steroid has a long half-life, you do not have to make frequent injections. To ensure a smooth hormonal background throughout the course, inject the steroid twice within seven days. In this case, the weekly dose is in the range of 200-600 mg. The duration of the course of drostanolone enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals is 4-12 weeks. Despite the rather high safety of this steroid, after stopping the drug, carry out rehabilitation therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

Drostanolone goes well with any anabolic steroids. Nevertheless, the most appropriate use of the drug is seen in the period of drying and work on relief. Thus, the best bundles are short testosterones, winstrol, trenbolone acetate, anavar, stanozolol, primobolan.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Numerous reviews of Masteron Enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals speak of a high degree of safety. Despite the high rate of androgenic activity, side effects of this type in men are extremely rare. Also, Masteron does not have progestogenic and estrogenic activity. As a result, on a well-designed course, the risks of developing side effects are minimal.


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