Trenbolon Enantate Trenbolone Enanthate Magnus Pharmaceuticals | 10 ml/vial – 200 mg/ml



Trenbolone enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals is the most powerful mass-gathering steroid. Its analogues have been actively used in professional sports for several decades. We offer you to buy Trenbolone Enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals on favorable terms in our Black Side online store. This drug is manufactured by a well-known pharmaceutical company and is of good quality. In addition, many athletes are attracted by the affordable price of Magnus Pharmaceuticals Trenbolone Enanthate, however, the cost of this steroid is higher compared to less powerful anabolic-androgenic steroids.

Main Effects of Trenbolone Enanthate Magnus Pharmaceuticals

Trenbolone was created as an improved version of nandrolone. While working on this substance, scientists made a number of changes to its molecular structure. As a result, trenbolone is unable to interact with the aromatase enzyme. Recall that nandrolone aromatizes, albeit extremely slowly.

Another important difference between these steroid drugs is the higher rates of anabolic and androgenic activity. In the modern pharmacology market, tren is one of the most powerful anabolics. This fact suggests that only experienced bodybuilders can order trenbolone enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals. Beginners should focus on easier pharmacology.

We note the main properties of the drug:

  • on the course there is a rapid increase in mass,
  • dramatically increase strength and performance,
  • has strong fat burning properties,
  • enhances sexual desire,
  • effectively blocks the work of catabolic hormones.

It should also be said about the ability of this anabolic steroid to accelerate the production of insulin-like growth factor. This endogenous substance takes an active part in the processes of hypertrophy of muscle fibers.

Trenbolone Enanthate Magnus Pharmaceuticals Solo Course Rules

Due to the long half-life of the active component of the steroid, to ensure a smooth hormonal background, you only need to make a maximum of two injections within seven days. The weekly dosage of anabolic is in the range of 150-400 mg. The duration of the course is most often 2-3 months. Rehabilitation therapy after stopping the steroid is mandatory.

Features of combining a steroid

Trenbolone enanthate can be used in conjunction with other anabolics. However, there is one limitation here – nandrolones. This is due to the presence of progestogenic activity in these substances. If you carefully study the reviews of Magnus Pharmaceuticals trenbolone enanthate, you can easily compile a list of the most popular long-term ligaments. We have already done it for you: testosterone cypionate, sustanon, boldenone, anadrol, testosterone enanthate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Due to the high strength of the effect on the body, the risks of developing side effects when using tren are quite high. However, the competent use of anabolic will minimize them. If you decide to take a course of trenbolone, be sure to buy cabergoline. This medication is able to quickly suppress the progestogenic activity of the steroid.

If you are using trenbolone for more than six weeks, then you will need gonadotropin. This medication stimulates the pituitary axis.Thanks to this, even on powerful tren cycles, the production of endogenous testosterone will not be completely stopped. The need for the introduction of gonadotropin can be determined using tests.


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