Testosterone Enanthate Testosterone Enanthate ZPHC | 1 ampoule/ml – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone enanthate from the manufacturer ZPHC is a mono ester of a synthetic male hormone. It is actively used by bodybuilders during the mass-gaining period. It is quite obvious that only men can buy testosterone enanthate from ZPHC. If you want to make it profitable, then contact our online store of sports pharmacology Black Side.

Main effects of Testosterone Enanthate ZPHC

Enanthate became the first ester of the male hormone of prolonged action. Not surprisingly, the drug in a short time gained immense popularity in the sports field. Today, enanthate competes with another long-acting mono ester of the male hormone, cypionate.

Athletes should remember that these steroids are interchangeable. There are no major differences between them. Enanthate is a strong anabolic and androgen. If you decide to order testosterone enanthate ZPHC for the first time, then we suggest that you study the main effects of this drug:

  • on the course there is a rapid increase in muscle mass,
  • increase strength and performance
  • the work of the elements of the articular-ligamentous apparatus improves,
  • the index of mineralization of bone tissues increases, which positively affects their strength,
  • increased sexual desire,
  • catabolic processes are effectively suppressed.

Also, many athletes say that the price of testosterone enanthate from ZPHC looks attractive.

Rules for the solo course Testosterone Enanthate ZPHC

The maximum duration of the course is most often 12 weeks. At the same time, it is not advisable to use enka for less than two months.Due to its long half-life, the steroid takes time to start working at its full potential. Due to the prolonged action of the steroid, you can give a maximum of 2 injections within 7 days. In this case, the weekly dose is in the range of 250-750 mg. After stopping the steroid drug, it is extremely important to carry out post-cycle therapy. Use tamoxifen or clomid for 3-4 weeks.

Features of combining a steroid

Each athlete at some point will face a decrease in the effectiveness of solo courses. This is due to the body's ability to adapt to the action of any medication. Some bodybuilders in this situation simply increase the dosage of the anabolic. However, such a step does not allow you to get the desired result, but only increases the risk of side effects.

We strongly discourage doing so. If you are faced with a decrease in the effectiveness of the solo course, then start using it with other AAS. The optimal bundles for are boldenone, oxymetholone, parabolan, trenbolone enanthate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

If you have already studied testosterone enanthate reviews from ZPHC, you might have noticed that many bodybuilders note the high level of safety of this anabolic. At the same time, it has a sufficiently high effect on the body. You should not be surprised at this, just reviews are written by athletes who follow all recommendations for the use of pharmacology. In such a situation, the risks of developing side effects are minimal.

However, they cannot be completely excluded. The most common negative effect of enanthate use is gynecomastia. To combat the symptoms of this disease, use aromatase inhibitors.You should also remember about the ability of the drug to inhibit the work of the HH axis. Most often this occurs when using the drug in large doses or in courses lasting from 12 weeks. Serious health problems in such a situation can be avoided thanks to gonadotropin.


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