Testosterone Cypionate Testosterone Cypionate ZPHC | 1 ampoule/ml – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone Cypionate from ZPHC has been very popular among bodybuilders for over five decades. This is a mass-gathering anabolic of prolonged action. Also, thanks to this steroid, the power parameters of the bodybuilder increase significantly. Because of this, the decision to order testosterone cypionate ZPHC is often taken by lifters and weightlifters.

Main Effects of Testosterone Cypionate ZPHC

Cypionate has become the second long-acting testosterone ester. By the time it hit the market, bodybuilders' hearts were given to enanthate. As a result, cypionate took time to take its place in the pharmacological arsenal of athletes. It should be said right away that there are practically no differences between cypionate and enanthate.

Both steroids after the introduction work for two weeks or a little more. They are also strong anabolics and androgens. If you want to buy testosterone cypionate from ZPHC for the first time, then get acquainted with the main effects of this drug:

  • on the course there is a rapid increase in a significant amount of muscle mass,
  • eliminates pain in the joints,
  • increases sex drive,
  • accelerates the recovery processes in the body after hard training,
  • increases strength and performance
  • has strong anti-catabolic properties.

We also note that the price of testosterone cypionate from the manufacturer ZPHC looks attractive. This drug is available to a large number of bodybuilders.

Rules for the solo course Testosterone Cypionate ZPHC

To guarantee an even hormonal background on the course of cypionate, it is enough for athletes to put a maximum of 2 injections within seven days. As for the weekly dose of anabolic, it is standard for all prolonged testosterone-containing AAS – 250-750 mg. The duration of the course is in the range of 2-3 months. Since testosterone cypionate ZPHC aromatizes at a high rate, an aromatase inhibitor should be added to the course. After stopping the steroid, restorative therapy must be carried out without fail.

Features of combining a steroid

Thanks to the combined courses, athletes significantly increase the effectiveness of the use of sports pharmacology. At the same time, the risks of developing side effects remain at the same level. Of course, for this it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations. Having studied the reviews of testosterone cypionate from ZPHC, it is easy to compile a list of steroids with which athletes prefer to combine the drug: trenbolone enanthate, parabolan, anadrol, boldenone.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Many novice athletes are sure that cypionate is a safe steroid. They should remember that any anabolic-androgenic steroid actively interferes with the work of the endocrine system. This fact suggests that the risks of developing side effects are present. To avoid health problems, athletes should be aware of the main negative properties of any anabolic and be able to deal with them.

Cypionate actively aromatizes, which can cause active water retention in the body and the development of gynecomastia. These problems can be avoided by using aromatase inhibitors. There are also risks of stopping the process of endogenous testosterone synthesis.This is due to the ability of the anabolic to suppress the activity of the pituitary axis. The consequences of this can be very serious. However, bodybuilders have such an effective medication as gonadotropin. It effectively stimulates the activity of the HH axis.


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