Testosterone C Testosterone Cypionate Genopharm | 1 ampoule/ml – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone cypionate from Genopharm is very popular among athletes. This drug is produced by a well-known pharmaceutical company whose products have proven themselves in the market. We recommend buying testosterone cypionate from Genopharm for strong mass-gaining courses.

Main effects of Testosterone Cypionate Genopharm

Testosterone cypionate became the second long-acting ester after enanthate. It is for this reason that this steroid has not been the most popular among athletes for a long time. To date, the situation has changed, athletes began to pay approximately the same attention to these drugs.

This fact is easy to explain – both steroids have practically no differences. If you decide to order testosterone with Genopharm, you will be able to gain mass and increase strength. Similar effects will be obtained when using enanthate. Cypionate is a strong anabolic and androgen. The indicators of the corresponding types of activity are 10 percent each.

We note the main positive effects of the steroid in question:

  • allows you to gain a large amount of mass,
  • increases strength and performance
  • relieves and even eliminates pain in the joints,
  • increased appetite,
  • stimulates the hematopoietic system,
  • enhances sexual desire.

As for the price of testosterone cypionate from Genopharm, it looks attractive. However, not only the affordable cost explains the high popularity among athletes, but also the fact that it has good quality and efficiency.

Rules for conducting a solo course Testosterone C Genopharm

The weekly dose of anabolic is 250-750 mg. The duration of the testosterone course with Genopharm is in the range of 2-3 months. Since this is a long-acting steroid, you do not need to take frequent injections. You can easily ensure a smooth hormonal background with a maximum of 2 injections per week.

Novice athletes should be aware that testosterone cypionate has a high tendency to aromatize. As a result, estrogen-type side effects may appear on the courses of this steroid drug. You can eliminate these risks with the help of aromatase inhibitors. After stopping the drug, it is mandatory to carry out post-cycle therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

You can combine the reception with any steroids. In this case, the form of release of drugs is not of fundamental importance. After studying testosterone cypionate reviews, you can compile a list of the most popular combinations among athletes: trenbolone enanthate, boldenone, oxymetholone, parabolan. Bundles with these drugs will help you gain a large amount of mass.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Testosterone C is considered a fairly safe anabolic steroid drug. With proper use of this steroid, the risks of side effects are minimal. However, it should be remembered that certain negative effects of this drug are inherent. We have already talked about one of them above – estrogenic activity. In the male body, testosterone is converted into estrogen.

This maintains hormonal balance. The use of aromatizable steroids disrupts homeostasis. To avoid health problems, it is enough for you to take aromatase inhibitors. If your course lasts more than 12 weeks, then enter gonadotropin into its composition. This medication will allow you to support the process of endogenous testosterone synthesis.


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