Sustanon Genopharm Mix Testosterones | 1 ampoule – 250 mg/ml



Sustanon from the manufacturer Genopharm is an effective and high-quality mass-gaining steroid. It is very popular among athletes. This fact can be confirmed by numerous reviews of Sustanon from Genopharm.

Main effects of Sustanon Genopharm

Sustanon is a composite steroid. Simply put, it contains several active components at once. Moreover, they are all testosterone esters. The main difference between these substances is the half-life. The composition includes two short and long air.

They come into work alternately, which ensures an even hormonal background throughout the course. This is one of the factors due to which athletes decide to buy mix testosterones from Genopharm. As for the combination of the main steroid properties of this drug, they do not differ from testosterone mono esters – the indicators of anabolic and androgenic activity are 100 percent.

Let's note the main positive effects of anabolic:

  • actively stimulates the processes of hypertrophy of muscle tissues,
  • contributes to a significant increase in strength and performance,
  • increased appetite,
  • the work of the hematopoietic system is stimulated,
  • increased sexual desire.

For many bodybuilding enthusiasts, the attractive price of Sustanon from Genopharm is one of the most important factors in choosing pharmacology. Many of our customers decide to order Sustanon from Genopharm precisely because of this. However, do not forget about the good quality of this anabolic-androgenic steroid.

Rules for conducting a solo course Mix Testosterones Genopharm

The administration scheme is not very complex. The weekly dosage of the drug is in the range of 250-750 mg. Due to the long half-life, you can do only 2 injections within seven days. The duration of the mix testosterones Genopharm course is 2-3 months. Since this drug has a high tendency to aromatize, you will have to introduce an aromatase inhibitor into the course. Also, after stopping the steroid, it is mandatory to carry out post-cycle therapy. Within 3-4 weeks you will take 50 mg of Clomid or 25 mg of tamoxifen.

Features of combining a steroid

Mix testosterones Genopharm goes well with any steroids. Since this is a mass-gathering drug, bodybuilders prefer to combine it with similar steroid drugs. Thus, the most popular bundles are boldenone, anadrol, methandienone, trenbolone enanthate, parabolan.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

If the athlete complies with all recommendations for the use of Sustanon, then the risks of side effects are minimal. Nevertheless, even in this case, one cannot speak of their complete absence. Athletes when using mix testosterones face negative estrogenic effects: active fluid retention in body tissues and gynecomastia. You can minimize the risks of their development with the help of aromatase inhibitors, for example, anastrozole.

Sustanon is able to suppress the performance of the pituitary axis. As a result, the process of endogenous testosterone synthesis can stop completely. This situation is possible in courses lasting from 12 weeks or when used in large doses. In order not to face serious problems associated with stopping the production of natural male hormone, you should introduce gonadotropin into the course.


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