Strombafort Stanozolol Balkan Pharmaceuticals | 100 tab – 10 mg/table



Strombafort Balkan is a tableted steroid produced by a Moldovan company. Domestic builders are well acquainted with the products of Balkan Pharmaceuticals. All preparations of this manufacturer are of high quality and attractive cost. Strombafort Balkan Pharmaceuticals has found wide application not only in power sports, but also in cyclic disciplines. This is due to the characteristics of this anabolic. Soon you will find out why you should buy strombafort in Ukraine.

Main effects of stanozolol Balkan Pharmaceuticals

The active ingredient in strombafort is stanozolol. Like most steroids available on the modern pharmaceutical market, this substance was synthesized in the middle of the 20th century. Despite the fact that Stanase is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, the steroid has low androgenic activity – no more than 30 percent. At the same time, the anabolic properties of the drug, they can be characterized as powerful – 320 percent.

Of course, many novice athletes are interested in what positive properties Stanozolol beam has. It should be noted that steroids are capable of producing a wide range of effects on the body.

We will note only those properties that are important for athletes:

  • on the strombafort course, strength, working capacity and endurance increase significantly,
  • has powerful fat burning properties,
  • improves the relief of the body, increases the hardness of the muscles.

In addition, this drug accelerates the processes of disposal of excess fluid. Combined with powerful fat-burning activity, this can give excellent results in cutting cycles.Many athletes believe that Balkan Pharmaceuticals Stanozolol is one of the best fat burners. First of all, this is due to the high effectiveness of the drug. However, one should not forget about the attractive price of strombafort.

Stanozolol Solo Course Rules Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Without a doubt, this steroid has excellent performance. However, you can get the maximum possible effect with minimal health risks only after carefully studying the instructions for Strombafort. The daily dosage of the steroid is in the range of 20-60 mg. Note that this drug can be used by women. For them, the daily dosage is in the range of 5-20 mg. The duration of use of Strombafort Balkan Pharmaceuticals is 1.5-2 months.

A conversation about how to take strombafort will not be complete without a description of the rules for conducting PCT. Although Stanase is considered a mild anabolic, restorative therapy should not be ignored. Start using Clomid or Tamoxifen 2-3 days after the last pill. The duration of PCT is 2-4 weeks.

Features of combining the drug Strombafort

This drug goes well with any injectable AAS. If you study reviews of strombafort, then you will understand which ligaments are best to use. Since it is a powerful fat burner used by bodybuilders during the drying period. then it is worth combining its intake with similar AAS: Primobolan, Trenbolone Acetate, Drostanolone, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, as well as with short Testosterones.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Stanase is rightfully considered one of the safest steroids.However, when using this drug, you should not completely exclude the risks of side effects. First of all, we are talking about the ability of Stanozolol Balkan to quickly remove fluid from the body. As a result, the risk of joint injury increases. To avoid problems, combine taking stanozolol with aromatizing AAS.


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