Stanozolol Suspension Winstrol ZPHC | 10 ml/vial – 50 mg/ml


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Winstrol from ZPHC is a popular steroid that is actively used by representatives of all sports. The versatility of this anabolic is associated with its ability to significantly increase endurance, without a significant increase in muscle mass. The situation is similar with power indicators. Thanks to these qualities, the decision to buy Winstrol ZPHC is made by lifters, weightlifters, as well as representatives of cyclic disciplines. This anabolic is also in demand among bodybuilders who use stanozolol during the drying period.

Main Effects of Winstrol ZPHC

Already from the name of the drug it is clear that its active ingredient is stanozolol. This substance is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. From the original substance, the steroid took the absence of a tendency to aromatize. At the same time, the combination of the main steroid properties of these substances differs significantly.

If dihydrotestosterone is a powerful androgen, then stanozolol has a high anabolic activity (320 percent). As for androgenicity, this figure is one of the lowest in the sports pharmacology market – 30 percent.

Such a powerful anabolic activity of the drug will not allow you to actively gain weight. Bodybuilders decide to order winstrol from ZPHC for later use during the cutting period. However, this fact does not affect the popularity of this steroid. For more than five decades, stanozolol suspension has been one of the most sought after steroids on the market.

We note the main positive qualities of this drug:

  • has strong fat burning properties,
  • improves the relief of the body,
  • the course significantly increases endurance, performance and strength,
  • is a strong anti-catabolic.

As for the price of Winstrol from the manufacturer ZPHC, it looks attractive. Any version of stanozolol is designed for a wide range of athletes.

Stanozolol Suspension ZPHC Solo Course Rules

Due to the short half-life of the active component of this steroid, you will need to inject every day. In this case, a single dose is 50-100 mg. The duration of the course rarely exceeds 6-8 weeks. After stopping the anabolic, carry out post-cycle therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

This steroid is very popular in the pharmacology market. At the same time, experienced bodybuilders prefer to use it in combination with other anabolic steroids. For beginner athletes and solo courses will bring good results. There are no restrictions when choosing links. This steroid is even sometimes used in the mass-gaining period. Bodybuilders begin to use it at the final stage of the course, most often in combination with propionate. As a result, they minimize the rollback effect. After studying winstrol reviews from ZPHC, you will understand that it is most often used in conjunction with turinabol, testosterone propionate, primobolan, trenbolone acetate, oxandrolone, testosterone phenylpropionate, drostanolone.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Stanozolol suspension ZPHC is one of the safest steroids on the market. When using it, you are guaranteed not to experience side effects of the estrogen and progestogen types. Androgenic negative effects are also unlikely due to the low indicator of the corresponding activity.However, this steroid cannot be called completely safe. Sometimes bodybuilders note the appearance of pain in the joints. This is due to the active utilization of the liquid. To avoid this problem, simply use injectable stanozolol with aromatizable anabolic-androgenic steroids such as propionate.


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