Primobolan Primobolan Swiss Remedies | 10 ampoules/ml – 100 mg/ml



On this page, athletes can buy Primobolan from Swiss Remedies on favorable terms. This steroid has a mild effect on the body and is one of the safest steroid drugs on the modern market of sports pharmacology. However, it can produce excellent results. To do this, you need to correctly use Primobolan from Swiss Remedies. That is what we are going to talk about now.

Main effects of Primobolan Swiss Remedies

The active component of the steroid is methenolone enanthate. This is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which produces a prolonged effect on the body. Methenolone is a moderate anabolic and androgen. This significantly distinguishes it from the original hormone. The indicator of anabolic activity is 88 percent, and androgenic – 44%.

Due to the nature of its origin, methenolone practically does not aromatize. Among other positive qualities of this anabolic, we note:

  • contributes to the increase in dry mass,
  • has strong fat burning properties,
  • increases physical parameters,
  • slows down catabolic processes.

Since this drug has a slight effect on the body, athletes of any level of training and even women can order Primobolan Swiss Remedies. This is the only injectable anabolic that female athletes can use with minimal health risks. Given the effectiveness of the steroid, the price of Primobolan from Swiss Remedies looks democratic.

Rules for the solo course Primobolan Swiss Remedies

Since this is a long-acting steroid, it is enough to make a maximum of 2 injections to ensure an even hormonal background in its courses.In this case, the weekly dose depends on gender:

  • for women – 50-100 mg,
  • for men – 200-600 mg.

The duration of the course is 8-12 weeks. After stopping the drug, carry out post-cycle therapy.

Features of the combination of the drug

Primobolan is the only injectable steroid that athletes can use for combined cycles. The optimal link for them is methenolone enanthate-oxandrolone. With extensive experience in the use of pharmacology, it can be combined with turinabol or stanozolol.

Men have almost complete freedom in choosing ligaments. If you take into account the properties of this anabolic-androgenic steroid, and carefully study the reviews of Swiss Remedies primobolan, you can easily make a list of the most popular combinations: testosterone propionate, stanozolol, turinabol, testosterone phenylpropionate, oxandrolone, drostanolone, trenbolone acetate. Thanks to these combinations, you can gain dry mass, increase strength potential, and also improve body relief.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Primobolan is one of the safest steroid drugs. This is eloquently evidenced by numerous reviews about this anabolic. Methenolone enanthate practically does not aromatize. Due to this, the risks of developing side effects of the estrogen type in the courses are minimal. It also does not have progestogenic properties.

Due to moderate androgenic activity, primobolan rarely causes the development of side effects of the corresponding type. All this indicates a high level of anabolic safety. It is for this that many bodybuilding lovers appreciate Primobolan. With this steroid, they can progress without fear for their health.


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