Masterone Propionate Masterone Propionate Cygnus Pharmaceuticals | 10ml – 100mg/ml


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Masteron Propionate from Cygnus Pharmaceuticals is used in sports to increase strength and for the purpose of conducting strong cutting cycles. This steroid is most in demand among power athletes. If you want to buy masteron propionate cheaply from the manufacturer Cygnus Pharmaceuticals, then contact our Black Side online sports pharmacology store.

Main Effects of Masteron Propionate Cygnus Pharmaceuticals

The active component of this steroid is drostanolone propionate. This substance is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and has a short half-life. Masteron received high androgenicity from the original hormone. This indicator exceeds the anabolic activity of the drug. Recall that in the vast majority of steroid drugs, the ratio of the main steroid properties is directly opposite.

Thanks to this, drostanolone can be safely called unique. In addition, due to the high androgenic activity, only men can order masteron propionate. Women should not use this drug, as the risks of virilization are high.

Among the main positive properties of the steroid can be noted:

  • is a powerful fat burner
  • contributes to a rapid increase in strength and performance,
  • improves the relief of the body,
  • accelerates the processes of liquid utilization,
  • has a high anti-catabolic activity.

Also, the attractive price of masteron propionate from Cygnus Pharmaceuticals can be attributed to the positive qualities of this drug.

Masterone Propionate Cygnus Pharmaceuticals Solo Course Rules

Since this is a short-acting drug, it is necessary to give injections often – every second day. The single dosage is 100-200 mg. The duration of the masterone propionate Cygnus Pharmaceuticals course is recommended to be limited to 1.5-2 months. After stopping the drug, carry out rehabilitation therapy. For 2-3 weeks, take 50 mg of clomiphene citrate or 50 mg of tamoxifen every day.

Features of combining a steroid

Masterone propionate solo is suitable for beginner athletes. With it, they will be able to conduct an excellent drying course or increase strength. For experienced bodybuilders, such results are no longer enough. That is why they prefer to combine steroid drugs. Drostanolone goes well with any steroids. The most popular are bundles with winstrol, testosterone propionate, stanozolol. oxandrolone, primobolan, trenbolone acetate, turinabol, testosterone phenylpropionate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Although Masteron is highly androgenic, side effects of this type in men are extremely rare. But the same cannot be said about women. Drostanolone has long been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of breast cancer. The results of its use were good, but due to the frequent occurrence of negative effects, this steroid was abandoned.

As for other negative effects, there are certain risks of imbalance of lipoprotein structures. However, this problem can be solved by simply introducing omega-3s into the nutrition program. There is also the possibility of an increase in blood pressure. More serious side effects of the estrogenic and progestogenic type are excluded. This is due to the lack of appropriate types of activity in drostanolone. Numerous testimonials from athletes about masteron propionate from Cygnus Pharmaceuticals confirm all of the above.


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