Clomiged Clomid EPF | 20 tablets – 50 mg/table



Clomid from the Moldovan company EPF is very popular in sports and traditional medicine. It is a strong antiestrogen class of selective estrogen receptor blockers. We recommend purchasing Clomid from EPF for later post-cycle therapy. Note that in sports, antiestrogens are used only by men.

Main effects of Clomid EPF

As mentioned above, Clomid is an antiestrogen. However, its mechanism of action differs significantly from that of aromatase inhibitors. Clomiphene citrate is not able to influence the aromatization process. That is why it makes no sense to use it directly on the anabolic course. The active component of this drug is able to effectively block estrogen receptors. Simply put, the drug molecules attach to these receptors, preventing the female hormone from doing so.

As a result, the concentration of estrogens in the body does not change, but their activity decreases. Another important advantage of this medication is its ability to stimulate the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones. This is another reason why athletes decide to order Clomid from the EPF manufacturer.

Today it is known for sure that all steroids are able to suppress the performance of the pituitary axis. It is quite obvious that light steroid drugs do this not as actively as strong ones. After the completion of the anabolic course in the body, an imbalance of the endocrine system is observed. Using clomiged, you not only reduce the activity of female hormones, but also stimulate the synthesis of endogenous testosterone.

We note the main positive effects of the drug:

  • normalizes the concentration of testosterone,
  • stimulates the production of seminal fluid and improves its quality,
  • blocks estrogen receptors.

It is also worth noting that the price of Clomid from EPF does not look overpriced. It fully corresponds to the effectiveness of the drug. Many novice athletes are interested in whether this medication has its own side effects. Unfortunately, today there are no completely safe drugs. Clomiphene citrate, when used in high doses, can also cause negative effects. However, they are extremely rare, as athletes in most cases take clomiged in accordance with the recommendations. In addition, it should be noted that it is a safer agent in comparison with tamoxifen.

How to use Clomiged EPF

The high popularity of this antiestrogen is evidenced by the number of reviews of Clomid from the EPF manufacturer. This drug is very popular among athletes. It is quite obvious that in such a situation there are the most effective and safe schemes for the use of this antiestrogen.

The recommended daily dosage is in the range of 25-150 mg. When determining the exact dose, you have to focus on the strength of the course. After using light steroid preparations, it is sufficient to consume 50 mg of Clomid daily for 2-3 weeks. After a course of medium strength for two weeks, take 50 mg of antiestrogen, and then 25 mg, over the next 14 days.

The scheme of use after a very strong course is different:

  • the first 3 days – 150 mg daily,
  • for the next 7 weeks – every day, 100 mg,
  • for 14 days – 50 mg,
  • 25 mg for the next two weeks.

In conclusion, we recall that after a course of any strength, you should carry out post-cycle therapy. Through these activities, you will help the body recover.


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