Apollo | 4 tablets – 100 mg/table | Viagra Balkan Pharmaceuticals



Viagra from Balkan Pharmaceuticals is a popular erection stimulant manufactured by a well-known Moldavian company among athletes. The products of this manufacturer are of high quality, and athletes have never been disappointed after purchasing them. Today, many bodybuilders are willing to buy Viagra from the Balkans, but not for its intended use. The fact is that Apollo can not only improve the performance of erectile function, but also allows you to achieve a powerful pumping effect. This fact is confirmed by the numerous reviews of athletes about Viagra Balkan.

Main effects of Viagra Balkan Pharmaceuticals

This drug is primarily intended to stimulate potency and enhance the sensations of sexual intercourse. While working on sildenafil, scientists set other tasks – the treatment of certain ailments of the heart muscle. During clinical trials, it became clear that this medication does not have a serious effect on the work of the heart.

In our Black Side online store you can buy Viagra from the Balkans on favorable terms. Among the positive effects it is worth noting:

  • promotes relaxation of blood vessels, which leads to increased blood flow,
  • is an effective stimulant of potency,
  • on the course, there is a decrease in blood pressure, which leads to a decrease in the load on the heart muscle,
  • allows you to achieve a powerful pumping effect during training,
  • can improve the quality of sexual life.

If you carefully study the main positive effects, it becomes clear that this medication can be useful not only for men who want to improve potency, but also for bodybuilders.If Apollo is used for its intended purpose, then one more advantage can be distinguished – the drug comes into operation only after sexual stimulation. Thanks to this, men are guaranteed not to encounter spontaneous erections.

Obviously, many of our customers are interested in the security of apollo. If you use it in accordance with the recommendations, then the risks of side effects are minimal. It is not worth completely excluding the possibility of their manifestation. Sometimes men talk about the appearance of headaches and hot flashes when using Viagra. These negative effects are a natural reaction of the body. Moreover, they appear in a relatively small number of users. Our price for Viagra from the Balkans looks as democratic as possible against the background of competitors.

Terms of use Apollo Balkan Pharmaceuticals

You can take Apollo no more than once a day. Moreover, experts do not recommend getting involved in Viagra. The best option for its use are situations when a man is not confident in his abilities during an intimate meeting with a woman. The single dosage of the drug is 50-100 mg. In most cases, to obtain an excellent result, it is enough to use the medication in minimal quantities.

The use of a potency stimulator in the sports field does not imply a change in dosages. But the schedule for taking pills is different. Athletes can use Viagra daily, or only on training days. The first scheme is practically not used, since taking Apollo in the absence of training to achieve a powerful pump is not the best idea. In addition, the duration of such a course should not exceed one month. Using the medication only on training days, the period of use of the potency stimulator can be increased up to 2 months.


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