Winso Winstrol Zillt Medicine | 1 ampoule/ml – 50 mg/ml


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The products of Zillt Medicine from Germany in our market began to be sold relatively recently. Due to the high quality, she was able to quickly win the hearts of bodybuilders. Today we will talk about such a popular steroid as Winstrol Zillt Medicine.

The main distinguishing feature of this anabolic-androgenic steroid from other drugs in this group is the solvent. Recall that in most cases the active ingredient is dissolved in vegetable oil. However, in the case of the injectable version of stanozolol, water acts as a solvent. This steroid is in demand in various sports due to its versatility.

Bodybuilders can use it to reduce body fat in a short time, and lifters use it to increase strength. As for cyclic sports, their representatives can also buy Winstrol from Zillt Medicine in order to increase endurance.

Main Effects of Winstrol Zillt Medicine

The active component of this steroid is known to many "chemists" – stanozolol. This substance is derived from dihydrotestosterone and adopted from it the lack of a tendency to aromatize. At the same time, the combination of the steroid properties of Winstrol differs significantly from the original hormone. If dihydrotestosterone is the most powerful androgen in the human body, then the rate of this type of activity in injectable stanase does not exceed 30%.

As for anabolic activity, its value is 320 percent. Despite this, this anabolic is not used for mass gain. We list the main effects of the drug:

  • quickly increases efficiency, endurance and strength,
  • improves the relief of the body,
  • is a powerful fat burner
  • increases the density and hardness of muscles,
  • effectively suppresses catabolic processes.

As for the price of Zillt Medicine Winstrol, it looks low for such a high-quality drug.

Winso Zillt Medicine solo course rules

We note right away that only men can order winso from Zillt Medicine. Unlike the tablet version of stanozolol, the injectable version has a higher biological activity. As a result, this drug exhibits high androgenic activity and women may experience health problems.

At the same time, men can not be afraid of side effects if they use the drug in accordance with the recommendations. Every day you need to put 50-100 mg. Course duration rarely exceeds 6-8 weeks. After stopping the anabolic drug, conduct a light post-cycle therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

You can combine Winstrol with any anabolic steroids. Since this drug is actively used by bodybuilders during the drying period, it is advisable to use it together with primobolan, drostanolone, turinabol, anavar, testosterone phenylpropionate, trenbolone acetate, testosterone propionate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

This steroid can safely be considered one of the safest. It does not have progestogenic and estrogenic negative effects. Also, we have already noted that winstrol is a weak androgen. All this indicates a high level of anabolic safety. After studying the reviews of Winstrol Zillt Medicine, you will understand that the activity of the pituitary axis decreases slowly during the courses of this steroid. Since the courses of injectable stanozolol last a maximum of 8 weeks, the risks of stopping the process of endogenous testosterone synthesis are minimal. Thus, if you follow all the recommendations, you will not encounter side effects.


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