Turanabol Turanabol Balkan Pharmaceuticals | 100 tab – 10 mg/table


  • Quality muscle growth
  • Increased endurance and strength
  • Increasing the relief of muscles
  • Increasing the hardness of the muscles
  • Minimum rollback
  • No aromatization
  • Description

    Turinabol Balkan Pharmaceuticals is a popular and effective steroid. It has been used by professional athletes for over five decades. Agree that an ineffective drug will not be so actively used. Turik can be safely called a universal AAS. With it, athletes can gain high-quality mass, increase strength, and also get rid of excess fat. If you want to buy Turinabol Balkan inexpensively, then contact our online sports pharmacy store.

    Main effects Turinabol Balkan Pharmaceuticals

    The basis of this AAS is chlordehydromethyltestosterone. It is a derivative of testosterone. From the original substance, chlordihydromethyltestsoteron differs primarily in the ratio of the main steroid properties. The fact is that Turanabol Balkan Pharmaceuticals is a strong anabolic and moderate androgen. In addition, turik, unlike the male hormone, is not able to interact with the aromatase enzyme.

    Often, experts and professional bodybuilders compare turinabol drugs with methandienone. This is quite logical if you carefully study the structure of the molecules of these substances. As a result, it turns out that there are practically no differences between them. However, the mechanism of work of these steroids cannot be called similar. Again, we have to recall the absence of a turik's tendency to aromatize.

    On the one hand, this makes methane a more effective drug in terms of the amount of weight gain. However, after discontinuation of the drug, part of it leaves with water.After the course of the Turik, the rollback effect is minimal. Today, more and more novice athletes decide to order Turinabol Balkan. This is due to the higher safety of this AAS.

    We note the most important properties of the turik for builders:

    • allows you to gain high quality mass,
    • body relief improves,
    • increases efficiency, strength and endurance,
    • increased muscle hardness
    • has strong fat burning properties.

    It is also worth noting that the price of Balkan Turinabol looks attractive.

    Rules for the solo course Turanabol Balkan Pharmaceuticals

    Turik can be used not only by men, but also by women. For athletes, the recommended daily dosage is in the range of 5-20 mg. It is quite obvious that men in this time period can use higher doses – 20-60 mg. The duration of the course with the participation of turinabol is most often 1.5-2 months. 2-3 days after anabolic withdrawal, perform a light PCT. Take Clomid 50 mg or Tamoxifen 20 mg daily for 2-3 weeks.

    Features of combining a steroid

    Beginning builders should remember that AAS tablets can only be used in conjunction with injectables. Compliance with this recommendation will allow you to guarantee the absence of health problems. The best choice for combined courses are Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Primobolan, Masteron, Testosterone Phenylpropionate.

    What side effects should athletes be wary of?

    If you study the reviews about Turinabol Balkan, it becomes clear that this steroid is one of the safest on the market. The fact is that he does not dine with estrogenic and progestogenic activity.In addition, due to the low rate of androgenic activity, the risks of developing the corresponding side effects are minimal. To avoid health problems, you only need to follow all the recommendations for using the steroid.

    ≫ What is the price for Turinabol Balkan in Ukraine?

    ☝ The most affordable price in Ukraine for Turinabol from Balkan Pharma in the online store of sports pharmacology ⭐ Black Side ⭐

    ≫ How to buy or order Turinabol Balkan?

    ☝ You can buy Turanabol Balkan (Turanabol) through the basket or order by phone ☎ (099) 923-05-75


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