Treno E Trenbolone Enanthate Zillt Medicine | 1 ampoule/ml -200 mg/ml



Trenbolone Enanthate from Zillt Medicine is a powerful anabolic steroid with which you can gain a large amount of mass. Long-acting tren has been used in professional bodybuilding for several decades. But bodybuilding lovers were able to try this drug only recently. This is primarily due to the development of Internet technologies. Even in the days of the USSR, when anabolic-androgenic steroids could be purchased relatively easily at a pharmacy, tren was not available to athletes. If you want to buy trenbolone enanthate from the German company Zillt Medicine on favorable terms, then contact our Black Side online store.

Main Effects of Trenbolone Enanthate Zillt Medicine

Trenbolone was developed in the middle of the last century, like all other steroids on the market today. It was created for veterinary use. With the help of this drug, a significant increase in the mass of cattle was achieved. Athletes quickly drew attention to this AAS. As a result, he firmly entered the sports field.

By nature of origin, tren is an improved version of nandrolone. Unlike the original substance, it has higher rates of anabolic and androgenic activity, and is also completely devoid of the tendency to aromatize. Due to the high effect on the body, only experienced bodybuilders can order trenbolone enanthate Zillt Medicine. For women, this drug is completely contraindicated.

We note the most important positive effects for bodybuilders:

  • allows you to gain the maximum amount of mass,
  • has strong fat burning properties,
  • accelerates the synthesis of endogenous insulin-like growth factor,
  • enhances sexual activity,
  • increases performance and strength.

As for the price of trenbolone enanthate from Zillt Medicine, it simply cannot be low for such a powerful steroid drug. However, you can be sure that the funds invested in this drug will fully pay off with the rapid growth of sports performance.

Rules for conducting a solo course Treno E Zillt Medicine

Since this steroid has a long half-life, you can put a maximum of 2 injections within 7 days. Even in this case, hormonal pits will not appear. The weekly dosage is 150-300 mg. The duration of the course is in the range of 15-3 months. In amateur bodybuilding, this anabolic is rarely used for more than two months. After discontinuation of treno e, restorative therapy should be carried out.

Features of combining a steroid

You can combine trenbolone with any anabolic steroid except nandrolone. Athletes prefer to use it in conjunction with boldenone, testosterone cypionate, sustanon, anadrol, testosterone enanthate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Trenbolone has progestogenic activity. To control the concentration of prolactin, you need to introduce cabergoline into the course. This is the most effective means of combating progestogen side effects to date. Also, trenbolone is characterized by the ability to actively suppress the performance of the pituitary axis. If your cycle lasts more than six weeks, then the risks of stopping the production of endogenous testosterone increase rapidly.

In order not to face serious problems, use gonadotropin. This medication stimulates the HH axis. If you decide to use this anabolic for the first time, then study the reviews of trenbolone enanthate from Zillt Medicine. You can find them on specialized web resources.


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