Testosterone Undecanoate Testosterone Undecanoate ZPHC | 10 ml/vial – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone undecanoate from the pharmaceutical company ZPHC is a steroid with a very long half-life. In sports, it is not used as actively as enanthate or cypionate. This is due primarily to a very specific administration system. Despite this, athletes decide to buy testosterone undecanoate from ZPHC. You can make it profitable in our Black Side store.

Main Effects of Testosterone Undecanoate ZPHC

Both popular testosterone mono esters, as well as sustanon, work for about 14 days after administration. Undecanoate is able to act on the body for two months. Some of the novice athletes probably thought that here it is – the optimal steroid for weight gain, but in practice everything is not so simple.

Let's start with a combination of basic steroid properties that are completely identical to the endogenous hormone. Simply put, testosterone undecanoate ZPHC, available from our Black Side store, is a powerful anabolic and androgen. The long half-life makes this steroid unique.

Immediately after the creation of testosterone undecanoate, it began to be actively used in traditional medicine for hormone replacement therapy. In addition, it was used by pharmaceutical companies for the manufacture of testosterone mixes. In the form of a mono ester, this steroid began to be sold relatively recently. It is quite obvious that the athletes paid attention to him.

Let's note the main effects of anabolic:

  • allows you to gain mass,
  • increases strength and performance
  • enhances sexual desire,
  • stimulates the hematopoietic system.

By and large, this steroid has the same effects as any other testosterone-containing drug. However, they appear slowly due to the long half-life. That is why he could not find wide application in amateur sports. As for the price of testosterone undecanoate from ZPHC, it is relatively low.

Rules for the solo course Testosterone Undecanoate ZPHC

Since this steroid affects the body for a long time, injections can be given once every 10 days or even every two weeks. The single dosage is 500-750 mg. The duration of the course can be very long. Recall that in traditional medicine this steroid is used for hormone replacement therapy. Also, professional bodybuilders often use it in "eternal" courses.

Features of combining a steroid

You can use this steroid in combination with any mass-gathering AAS: parabolan, anadrol, trenbolone enanthate, boldenone, methandienone, nandrolone decanoate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

The question of possible side effects is quite interesting. Logically, athletes on courses of undecylenate may experience the same negative effects as with the use of any sustained-release mono ester. Here again it is worth remembering the huge half-life.

The active ingredient of the drug is very slow to work. Utilization of metabolites also takes a long time. As a result, the risks of developing estrogen-type side effects can be considered low. As for the negative impact on the pituitary axis, it is also present. Unlike the same enanthate, it is not so active.If you decide to conduct a solo cycle with this anabolic steroid, then you will not need gonadotropin with a high degree of probability. Although this steroid is not very popular among bodybuilders, reviews of testosterone undecanoate from ZPHC can be found on the net.


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