Testosterone P Testosterone Propionate Genopharm | 1 ampoule/ml – 100 mg/ml



Testosterone propionate from the manufacturer Genopharm is a popular short-acting steroid. It is used primarily in power sports. With the help of testosterone p, athletes significantly increase strength, improve body definition, gain high quality mass, and also get rid of excess fat. If you want to buy cheap testosterone propionate from Genopharm, then contact our online sports pharmacology store Black Side.

Main effects of Testosterone Propionate Genopharm

Testosterone propionate has been one of the most sought after steroids for many years. This male hormone ether was one of the first to go on sale. This event took place in the middle of the last century. Propionate in its properties and mechanism of work is completely similar to endogenous testosterone, except for the half-life.

Testosterone P is a strong anabolic and androgen. The indicators of the corresponding types of activity are 100 percent each. It should also be remembered that this is a short-acting drug. This fact indicates the need for frequent injections. However, if you decide to order testosterone propionate from Genopharm, you will be able to feel the first effects of its use very quickly.

We note the main positive qualities of this drug:

  • significantly increase the power parameters and performance,
  • the ability to gain high quality mass,
  • has strong fat burning properties,
  • is a powerful anti-catabolic
  • improves the relief of the body,
  • enhances sexual desire,
  • the price of testosterone propionate looks attractive.

It is thanks to these properties that this steroid is very popular among athletes.Testosterone P is an effective and relatively safe means to improve athletic performance. Numerous reviews about this drug can confirm this fact.

Rules for conducting a solo course Testosterone P Genopharm

Testosterone propionate has a short half-life. As a result, athletes need frequent injections—every other day. The single dosage of the drug is in the range of 100-200 mg. The duration of the testosterone p Genopharm course rarely exceeds 1.5-2 months. You can use the drug for a longer time period. However, due to the high frequency of injections, most bodybuilders use this steroid for a maximum of 8 weeks. After stopping the steroid drug, it is mandatory to carry out post-cycle therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

Testosterone P Genopharm goes well with any steroids. Most often it is used during the drying period and while working on relief. Thus, the most popular are bundles with primobolan, trenbolone acetate, winstrol, stanozolol, anavar, turinabol, masteron.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Compared to long-acting testosterone preparations, propionate is a safer anabolic steroid drug. This is due to the fact that when using it, the risks of developing estrogen-type side effects are much lower. Scientists believe that this fact is explained by a shorter half-life.

Simply put, the steroid simply does not have time to show all its estrogenic activity. Despite this, we recommend that you include an aromatase inhibitor in the course. Also, the courses of testosterone propionate very rarely show negative effects of the androgenic type.


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