Testosterone E Testosterone Enanthate Balkan Pharmaceuticals | 10 ml/vial – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone enanthate from Balkan Pharmaceuticals is one of the most popular steroids on the market today. It is actively used by athletes for active weight gain, as well as to increase strength potential and performance. At the same time, athletes of different levels of training can buy testosterone enanthate from the Balkans. Novice bodybuilders should use this steroid solo, and experienced bodybuilders should combine it with other anabolic-androgenic steroids.

Main Effects of Testosterone Enanthate Balkan Pharmaceuticals

The active component of this steroid drug is almost a complete analogue of the endogenous male hormone. Its main difference from the original substance is a higher half-life. Enanthate is a strong anabolic and androgen. After administration, the drug is able to act on the body for at least 15 days. Thus, if you decide to order testosterone enanthate from the Balkans, then you will not have to do frequent injections.

Among the positive effects of the steroid, it is worth noting:

  • on the course there is an active weight gain,
  • dramatically increase strength and performance,
  • regenerative reactions are accelerated, which allows the body to recover faster after hard training,
  • minimizes pain in the joints.

In addition, enandrol stimulates the hematopoietic system. Thanks to this, athletes can achieve a powerful pumping effect. The positive qualities of the steroid include the affordable price of testosterone enanthate from the Balkan pharmaceutical company.

Enandrol Balkan Pharmaceuticals solo course rules

The scheme of drug administration is not very complex. Within seven days, it is enough for you to do a maximum of 2 injections. The weekly dosage of anabolic is 250-750 mg. The duration of the course is in the range of 2-3 months. To make your course as safe as possible, add an aromatase inhibitor, such as anastrozole, to its composition. Also, after stopping the steroid, post-cycle therapy must be carried out without fail.

Features of combining a steroid

Enandrol goes well with any steroid drugs. This opens up wide opportunities for athletes in the preparation of combined courses. Since this anabolic is a mass-gathering one, it should be combined with similar drugs: parabolan, anadrol, trenbolone enanthate, boldenone, methandienone. The use of these ligaments will allow you to gain the maximum possible amount of mass.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Numerous reviews of testosterone enanthate indicate a fairly high level of safety of this steroid. However, do not forget that this is a strong anabolic drug. Thus, the possibility of side effects on enandrol Balkan Pharmaceuticals courses cannot be completely ruled out.

Bodybuilders face the negative effects of the estrogenic type. Nevertheless, today in the pharmacological arsenal of athletes there are such effective drugs as aromatase inhibitors. With their help, you can quickly slow down the process of aromatization. The most popular among them is anastrozole.

Side effects of the androgenic type are much less common. If you are faced with them, then start taking finasteride.This drug blocks the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, under the influence of which testosterone is converted into a powerful androgen – dihydrotestosterone. It should also be remembered that gonadotropin should be introduced into the composition of courses lasting from three months. This medication stimulates the HH axis.


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