Testoged E Testosterone Enanthate EPF | 10 ml/vial – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone enanthate from EPF is in high demand in the pharmacology market. This is a mass-gaining steroid, with which you can also increase strength. This anabolic-androgenic steroid is widely used in power sports. We offer you to buy testosterone enanthate from EPF on the most favorable terms in our Black Side online store.

Main effects of Testosterone Enanthate EPF

It was testosterone enanthate that became the first long-acting steroid based on a synthetic male hormone. It is quite obvious that in a short time he began to enjoy great popularity among athletes. Over time, the situation has changed. This happened after the creation of testosterone cypionate – the second prolonged ester of the male hormone.

At the same time, there are no serious differences between these anabolics. You can use any of them with the same efficiency. Enka is a strong anabolic and androgen. The indicators of the corresponding types of activity are 100 percent each.

We note the main properties of this drug:

  • actively stimulates the processes of hypertrophy of muscle mass,
  • Significantly increased strength and performance
  • improves the condition of the elements of the articular-ligamentous apparatus,
  • enhances sexual desire,
  • is a powerful anti-catabolic
  • eliminates pain in the joints.

As for the price of EPF testosterone enanthate, it is affordable for a wide range of bodybuilders.

Rules for conducting a solo course Testoged E EPF

Only men can order testosterone enanthate from EPF. The use of this drug by women may cause serious side effects.Since this is a long-acting steroid, it is enough to give a maximum of 2 injections for seven days to ensure a smooth hormonal background. In this case, the weekly dosage is in the range of 250-750 mg. The duration of the testoged-e course from EPF is 8-12 weeks.

This drug is characterized by a high tendency to aromatize. To avoid health problems, you need to introduce an aromatase inhibitor into the course. The most popular drug in this group is anastrozole. It is also necessary to remember the importance of post-cycle therapy after using such a strong anabolic as enanthate. Two weeks after the last injection, start taking Clomid (50 mg daily) or Tamoxifen (20 mg daily).

Features of combining a steroid

If you carefully study testosterone enanthate reviews from EPF, you will see that they often mention combination courses. They are carried out by experienced athletes, when the solo use of the steroid no longer brings the desired result. Most often, bodybuilders combine the intake with oxymetholone, parabolan, boldenone, trenbolone enanthate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Enanthate is a powerful steroid, which indicates a high risk of side effects. To avoid health problems, you need to not only follow all the recommendations, but also use certain ancillary drugs. The first among them are aromatase inhibitors. With the help of these medications, you can slow down the process of aromatization and avoid the negative effects of the estrogen type.

If you have a genetic predisposition to androgenic side effects, then we recommend consuming finasteride.This drug inhibits the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, under the influence of which testosterone is converted into dihydrotestosterone. If you are planning to use testoged-e in high doses or your course duration will be more than three months, then you cannot do without gonadotropin.


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