Testo C Testosterone Cypionate Zillt Medicine | 1 ampoule/ml – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone cypionate from the manufacturer Zillt Medicine is a strong steroid that is used by athletes to gain mass. In addition, with the help of cypionate, you can significantly increase strength. Thus, we recommend buying Zillt Medicine testosterone cypionate to representatives of strength disciplines. In cyclic sports, this drug is used less frequently.

Main Effects of Testosterone Cypionate Zillt Medicine

Cypionate is one of the two mono esters of the male hormone of prolonged action. It appeared on the market in the middle of the last century. Since enanthate was developed earlier, it took a long time for cypionate to become one of the most sought after AAS on the market. Today, many athletes decide to order testosterone cypionate from Zillt Medicine. This steroid is of high quality and excellent performance.

The active component of the drug differs from the endogenous hormone only in the half-life. Once administered, cypionate works for a minimum of two weeks. Recall that natural testosterone is destroyed very quickly. As for the combination of basic steroid properties, they are completely similar to endogenous testosterone: anabolic and androgenic activity is 100 percent.

We note the main positive effects of the steroid:

  • allows you to gain a large amount of mass of medium quality,
  • significantly increases performance and strength,
  • helps the body recover after a hard workout,
  • minimizes pain in the joints,
  • increases the mineralization index of bone tissues, which has a positive effect on their strength,
  • enhances sexual activity.

Many of our clients are interested in the price of testosterone cypionate from Zillt Medicine. Against the background of competitors, the cost of drugs in our Black Side online store looks very attractive.

Rules for conducting a solo course Testo C Zillt Medicine

Since this is a long-acting drug, you do not need to take frequent injections. To guarantee an even hormonal background throughout the course, it is enough to give 2 injections in seven days. The weekly dosage of the steroid is in the range of 250-750 mg. We recommend limiting the duration of the course to 8-12 weeks.

It is not advisable to use this drug for a shorter time period, since the steroid will not have time to show all its best qualities. Cypionate actively aromatizes. To avoid the side effects of the estrogen type, take an aromatase inhibitor. Also, after stopping the anabolic-androgenic steroid, be sure to carry out rehabilitation therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

Experienced athletes prefer to conduct combined courses with the participation of this anabolic. The most popular among them are bundles with nandrolone decanoate, anadrol, parabolan, boldenone and trenbolone enanthate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Most often, athletes in violation of the rules for the use of this steroid are faced with estrogenic negative effects. Their appearance is associated with the ability of cypionate to aromatize. To avoid health problems, it is enough for you to take an aromatase inhibitor, such as Proviron or Anastrozole.

Also, do not forget that testo c Zillt Medicine is able to actively suppress the activity of the pituitary axis.As a result, the production of endogenous male hormone can slow down dramatically. This situation is possible with prolonged use of cypic. Thus, if you take this steroid for more than 12 weeks, then you have to use gonadotropin. Novice athletes can be recommended to study testosterone cypionate reviews from Zillt Medicine. With their help, you will quickly understand the features of the use of this drug.


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