Sustandrol Sustanon Balkan Pharmaceuticals | 1 ampoule – 250 mg/ml



Among athletes, preparations based on synthetic testosterone are a huge success. This fact is easily explained by their high efficiency. There are a large number of such steroids on the market today. However, Sustanon from Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Sustandrol) stands out from their background. After reading this article, you will understand what it is connected with.

Main effects of Sustanon Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Most testosterone-containing AAS preparations are esters. There is also a suspension containing pure testosterone on the market. Sustandrol Balkan Pharmaceuticals is based on several esters of the male hormone. However, they all differ in half-life. This is the main difference between Sust and other testosterone-containing AAS.

However, not only because of this, many athletes want to buy Sustanon Balkan. This drug is highly effective and can significantly improve athletic performance. In addition, due to the different half-life of the active components, it is able to start working as soon as possible after administration. At the same time, it affects the body for at least two weeks. Thus, if you decide to order Sustanon from the Balkans, you will be able to ensure an even hormonal background on the course without any problems.

We note the main positive qualities of this AAS:

  • allows you to gain a large amount of mass,
  • significantly increases performance and strength,
  • improves the performance of the articular-ligamentous apparatus,
  • stimulates the hematopoietic system.

It should be recognized that this anabolic produces a versatile effect on the body. However, it attracts athletes due to the presence of the effects listed above. Novice athletes will be interested to know that the price of Sustanon Balkan does not look too high. However, thanks to its pricing policy and excellent product quality, the Moldovan company was able to quickly become one of the leaders in its market segment.

Sustandrol Balkan Pharmaceuticals solo course rules

If you have already done light courses with AAS, then you can try this drug. The recommended dosage of sustanrol Balkan is 250-750 mg. We strongly recommend that you do not exceed the indicated doses. The duration of the course can be 2-3 months. To slow down the aromatization process, you should use aromatase inhibitors. Also, after completing the course, be sure to conduct a PCT.

Features of combining a steroid

Sustandrol goes well with any AAS. However, it is not advisable to use it during the drying period. That is why we recommend using as binders: Nandrolone Decanoate, Methandienone, Anapolon, Boldenone, Parabolan, Trenbolone Enanthate. As a result of taking these drugs, you can get the maximum possible effect, gaining a large amount of mass on each course.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

This drug is an effective and strong AAS. This is eloquently evidenced by numerous reviews of Sustandrol Balkan Pharmaceuticals. Thus, when using an anabolic, you may encounter a number of side effects. However, all of them can be easily eliminated.To combat gynecomastia and active water retention in the body, it is enough to introduce an aromatase inhibitor into the course.

Androgenic negative effects are quite rare, but this possibility cannot be ruled out. If you are faced with them, then start taking Finasteride. When using Sust for more than 12 weeks in high doses, it is necessary to use gonadotropin. This medication stimulates the HH axis and will help you avoid serious health problems.


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