Stanozolol Suspension Winstrol ZPHC | 1 ampoule/ml – 50 mg/ml


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Winstrol from the Chinese manufacturer ZPHC is included in the pharmacological arsenal of many athletes. Moreover, not only the security forces can use this steroid. One of the key features of injectable stanozolol is its ability to significantly increase strength. That is why representatives of cyclic sports often decide to buy Winstrol ZPHC. There are many scandals associated with the use of this steroid by athletes, cyclists, etc.

Main Effects of Winstrol ZPHC

The active ingredient of this drug is stanozolol. Many beginner bodybuilders are familiar with this substance, as there is also a tablet version of stanozolol on the market. Now we have an injectable steroid. The active ingredient is dissolved in water, not in oil, as with most anabolic drugs on the market. As a result, the half-life of Winstrol ZPHC, which can be ordered inexpensively from our Black Side online store, is low. This fact indicates the need for frequent injections.

Stanozolol is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. The steroid differs from the original substance in terms of anabolic (320%) and androgenic activity (30%). Despite the fact that it is a powerful anabolic, with Stanozolol you will not be able to gain a large amount of quality mass. In sports, it is used to increase strength and endurance, as well as during the drying period.

We note the main positive effects of the drug:

  • actively stimulates the processes of reduction of adipose tissue,
  • increases strength, endurance and performance,
  • has strong anti-catabolic properties,
  • improves the relief of the body,
  • enhances muscle venousness.

We also note that the price of Winstrol from ZPHC looks democratic. This steroid is available to a large number of bodybuilders.

Stanozolol Suspension ZPHC Solo Course Rules

The scheme for using injectable stanozolol is extremely simple: inject 50-100 mg every day. The duration of the course is 6-8 weeks. The steroid can be used for a longer period of time, but due to frequent injections, this does not happen. After stopping stanozolol, carry out post-cycle therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

To increase the effectiveness of courses involving stanozolol suspension ZPHC, experienced bodybuilders take this anabolic in combination with other steroids. As we said above, Winstrol is practically not used during the period of weight gain. Thus, the most popular combinations for it are: testosterone phenylpropionate, primobolan, trenbolone acetate, turinabol, testosterone propionate, oxandrolone, masteron.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Stanozolol has a high level of safety. This drug is not characterized by progestogenic and estrogenic activity. It is also a weak androgen. Despite the latter fact, experts do not recommend taking Winstrol for women. Compared to the tablet version, the injectable version has a greater biological activity. As a result, the risks of virilization increase.

We also note that stanozolol practically does not suppress the activity of the pituitary axis. In addition, courses with the participation of this steroid drug most often last no more than 8 weeks. However, athletes may experience one side effect – the appearance of pain in the joints.The reason for this is the ability of the steroid to actively utilize the liquid. Numerous reviews of Winstrol from ZPHC suggest that the combination of this anabolic with aromatizing anabolic steroids will avoid this problem.


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