Stanirox Stanozolol Cipla | 10 mg – 100 tabs



Stanozolol from the pharmaceutical company Cipla is a popular drug among athletes. This fact can be explained by the versatility of this steroid. Stanozolol can be used in various sports. For bodybuilders, it is valuable for its powerful fat-burning activity. Lifters and weightlifters decide to buy stanozolol from Cipla to increase strength. This steroid is also popular among representatives of cyclic sports. With the help of stanirox, they can significantly increase endurance.

Main effects of Stanozolol Cipla

The active component of this anabolic-androgenic steroid is derived from dihydrotestosterone. However, it has significant differences from the original hormone. First of all, we are talking about a combination of basic steroid properties. Dihydrotestosterone is a powerful androgen. Stanozolol is primarily an anabolic. The indicator of the corresponding type of activity is 320 percent. At the same time, stanozolol is characterized by weak androgenicity – 30 percent.

If you want to order Stanozolol for the first time, then we suggest that you get acquainted with the main positive properties:

  • actively stimulates the processes of lipolysis,
  • accelerates liquid utilization reactions,
  • contributes to the rapid growth of strength, endurance and performance,
  • improves the relief of the body.

As for the price of Stanozolol from Cipla, it looks attractive. It is an inexpensive yet effective steroid.

Rules for the solo course Stanirox Cipla

The stanirox administration scheme is not very complex. Immediately, we note that athletes can use this drug.The recommended daily dose for them is 5-10 mg. In similar quantities, this drug is used in cyclic sports.

As for bodybuilding, athletes take 20-60 mg every day to get good results. This steroid is rightfully considered one of the safest on the market. However, after stopping the drug, experts recommend post-cycle therapy. Start rehabilitation therapy 2-4 days after taking the last stanozolol tablet. Take Clomid 50 mg or Tamox 20 mg every day for 2-3 weeks.

Features of combining a steroid

Stanozolol goes well with any injectable anabolic steroids. We do not recommend taking stanozolol at the same time as other oral medications. The most popular combinations among bodybuilders are testosterone phenylpropionate, primobolan, trenbolone acetate, drostanolone, testosterone phenylpropionate. All these combinations are aimed at increasing strength and actively burning fat reserves.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

As mentioned above, this anabolic is considered one of the safest steroid drugs on the sports pharmacology market. Numerous reviews of Stanozolol Cipla confirm this statement. However, do not think that taking this anabolic drug, you are completely immune from side effects.

Of course, you can not be afraid of the negative effects of the estrogen and progestogen type, since the drug does not have these properties. Also, there are practically no side effects of the androgenic type. The main disadvantage of stanozolol is the ability of the steroid to actively utilize the liquid.As a result, the risk of developing joint injuries increases. To avoid this problem, it is enough to simply combine the use of stanirox with aromatizing anabolic steroid drugs. Most often, testosterone propionate acts as such a drug.


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