Primobolan Primobolan Canada Peptides | 10 ml – 100 mg



Primobolan Canada Peptides is a new drug on the domestic market of sports pharmacology. Canada Peptides is known to athletes for its quality peptides. However, relatively recently, she began to produce and steroids. The first drug in our country from this company was the drug "Primobolan" from Canada Peptides. This anabolic has a high level of safety and, with the right approach to use, can be very effective. If you want to buy Canada Peptides Primobolan at an affordable price, then contact our Black Side sports pharmacology store.

Main effects of Primobolan Canada Peptides

The active ingredient of the steroid is Methenolone Enanthate. This substance is derived from dihydrotestosterone and has a long half-life. From the original substance, the drug received only the ability not to interact with the aromatase enzyme. More precisely, prima aromatizes, but very weakly. As for the main steroid properties of AAS, it is a moderate anabolic and androgen. The indicators of the corresponding types of activity are 88 and 44 percent, respectively.

We note the most important properties of the steroid for builders:

  • has strong fat burning properties,
  • allows you to gain high-quality mass,
  • is a strong anti-catabolic,
  • increases strength and performance.

It is also worth noting that the price of Primobolan from Canada Peptides looks attractive. At the same time, it can be useful not only for novice athletes, but also for professionals.

Rules for conducting a solo course Primobolan Canada Peptides

The high safety of the steroid is evidenced by the fact that women can order Primobolan from Canada Peptides to improve their athletic performance. Within a week, they can use no more than 50-100 mg. It is quite obvious that the recommended dosages for men are much higher. They are in the range of 200-600 mg. To guarantee an even hormonal background throughout the course, it is enough to make a maximum of 2 injections within seven days. Although prima is one of the safest AAS on the current pharmaceutical market, after stopping the steroid, perform a PCT. Take Clomiphene Citation 50 mg or Tamoxifen 20 mg daily for 2-3 weeks.

Features of combining a steroid

Having carefully studied the reviews about Primobolan Canada Peptides, you can find out that this anabolic can be used by athletes not only solo, but also in combination with other AAS. However, the list of possible ligaments that are relatively safe for the female body is small. We recommend that athletes combine the reception of prima with Anvar. If the experience of using AAS is large, then Turinabol or Stanozolol can be used. Men, for obvious reasons, have no such restrictions. They can combine Primobolan with any anabolics. Most athletes use this drug during the drying period or while working on relief. Thus, ligaments of Methenolone Enanthate with Drostanolone, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Anavar, Testosterone Propionate, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can be considered optimal combinations.

What are the side effects of Primobolan Canada Peptides?

The risks of developing negative effects on the course of prima are minimal. Most often they appear with an overdose. Methenolone Enanthate is a moderate androgen.As a result, side effects of this type are extremely rare. Also, this anabolic is not prone to aromatization and does not have progestogenic activity. Thus, you should not be afraid of the symptoms of gynecomastia and active fluid retention in the body.

If you are interested in Primobolan preparations from other manufacturers of sports pharmacology. You can find prices and descriptions on the page Injectables &gt, Primobolan


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