Drostanolone P Masteron Propionate ZPHC | 10 ml/vial – 100 mg/ml


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The drug under the trade name Masteron first appeared on the market in the early seventies of the last century. At the same time, it was created ten years earlier and was supposed to go on sale in 1960 simultaneously with oxymetholone. However, for certain reasons, this did not happen. If you want to buy Masteron Propionate from ZPHC on favorable terms, then contact our Black Side online store.

Main Effects of Masteron Propionate ZPHC

The active ingredient of this drug is drostanolone propionate. This substance is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Due to the nature of its origin, Masteron Propionate ZPHC does not aromatize and is a stronger androgen rather than an anabolic. This fact sets it apart from other anabolic-androgenic steroids, which have a higher anabolic activity compared to androgenic.

Masteron was created for use in traditional medicine. He has proven himself in the treatment of breast cancer in women. However, there was one “but” – patients often experienced side effects. This fact is explained by the high androgenicity of this steroid.

This suggests that only men can order masteron propionate from ZPHC for use in sports. It should also be remembered that the drug considered today has a short half-life. As a result, the course will have to do frequent injections. The duration of courses with his participation rarely exceeds 2 months and there are no special problems with this.

Among the positive effects of the drug, we note the main ones:

  • is a powerful fat burner
  • improves the relief of the body,
  • increases strength and performance
  • has strong anti-catabolic properties,
  • accelerates the processes of liquid utilization,
  • enhances muscle venousness.

Many bodybuilding lovers are interested in the price of masteron propionate from the Chinese company ZPHC. This steroid, due to its relatively low cost, is available to a wide range of bodybuilders. As for the quality of the drug, we recommend that you study the reviews about drostanolone p ZPHC. Finding them on the Internet will not be difficult, as this is a fairly popular steroid drug.

Rules for conducting a solo course Drostanolone P ZPHC

As mentioned above, due to the short half-life, injections will have to be given often – every second day. A single dose is 100-200 mg. The duration of the courses can be limited to 1.5-2 months. Although it is a mild steroid, after stopping the drug, it is worthwhile to carry out restorative therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

Novice athletes will definitely enjoy the performance of the solo course. However, over time, it will fall due to the adaptation of the body to the work of the drug. This happens with any anabolic steroids. As soon as you notice a significant drop in the effectiveness of taking drostanolone, switch to combined courses. Masteron is not used during the mass gain period. Thus, the optimal combinations for it are testosterone phenylpropionate, trenbolone acetate, stanozolol, winstrol, turinabol, primobolan, testosterone propionate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

On the modern market of sports pharmacology, drostanolone is one of the safest steroids. However, this statement applies only to men.Recall that Masteron is no longer used in traditional medicine for the treatment of women due to frequent side effects. Due to the lack of estrogenic and progestogenic activity in this drug, you are guaranteed not to experience the negative effects of these types.


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