ClenoX Clenbuterol Malay Tiger | 100 tablets – 4 mcg / table


  • Fat burning effect
  • Anti-catabolic effect
  • High absorption
  • Fast Activity
  • Non-steroid drug
  • Slight anabolic effect
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    Malay Tiger Clenbuterol is a popular fat burner among bodybuilders. Also, some athletes use it during rehabilitation therapy as an anti-catabolic. If you want to buy clenbuterol from Malay Tiger on favorable terms, then contact our Black Side online store.

    Main Effects of Clenbuterol Malay Tiger

    Clenbuterol was developed for use in traditional medicine. Today it continues to be used in this area, being one of the most effective means for the treatment of asthma. Scientists have studied clenox well. It was thanks to the publication of the results of one of the studies that bodybuilders paid attention to it. It has been found in clinical trials to have strong fat-burning properties. There were also assumptions about the presence of anabolic activity in this medication, but they were not confirmed.

    Thus, if you decide to order clenbuterol from Malay Tiger, then you should use it only to speed up the process of reducing adipose tissue. Clen produces a versatile effect on the body. First of all, it is a strong stimulant of beta-2 adrenoreceptors. Recall that they are located in various tissues of the body, including adipose tissues. Their activation leads to the launch of lipolysis processes.

    clenoX also effectively stimulates the nervous system. As a result, the rate of metabolic processes increases, which has a positive effect on the reduction of body fat.Another positive quality of this drug is its ability to accelerate the secretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones are among the most powerful fat burners in the human body.

    As far as potential side effects are concerned, these risks are low if used properly. It is important to remember here that the body of each person reacts to the use of a particular medication in a unique way. If you study Malay Tiger clenbuterol reviews, you will find out that many athletes at the initial stage of the cycle experience tremors of the limbs. This is a normal reaction of the body. Within a few days, this negative effect disappears on its own. If this does not happen, then you should stop the course and consult a doctor.

    How to use ClenoX Malay Tiger

    The daily dosage of the drug depends on the gender of the athlete. Men can take up to 120 mcg during the day. For women, the maximum allowed dosage is 80-100 mcg. Since clenbuterol actively stimulates the nervous system, the tablets should be taken before 18 pm. Otherwise, the risk of insomnia is high.

    We recommend starting each course with a minimum dosage of 20 mcg. So you can track the body's reaction to the drug. Gradually, the dose is brought to the required. The solo course is limited to 14 days. This is due to the fact that the body quickly adapts to the work of this fat burner. As soon as this happens, the effectiveness of the course drops sharply, and the risks of developing side effects increase. Also at the final stage of the course, it is important to systematically reduce the dose of the fat burner.

    That is why Clen courses with Ketotifen are the most popular among athletes.This medication is able to restore the efficiency of beta-2 adrenoreceptors. As a result, such a course can last up to 30 days. The scheme of fat burner administration does not change: start with a minimum dose, and then gradually increase it. The daily dosage of ketotifen is in the range of 1-2 mg. In conclusion, we note that the price of clenbuterol from the manufacturer Malay Tiger looks attractive.


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