Clenbuterol Clenbuterol Genopharm | 100 tab – 40mcg/table


  • Fat burning effect
  • Anti-catabolic effect
  • High absorption
  • Fast Activity
  • Non-steroid drug
  • Slight anabolic effect
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    Clenbuterol from the manufacturer Genopharm is a success among bodybuilders and fitness fans. With its help, you can significantly speed up the process of lipolysis. Clenbuterol has anti-catabolic properties. Simply put, this medication allows you to burn fat while maintaining the previously gained muscle mass. You can buy clenbuterol from Genopharm on favorable terms in our online store of sports pharmacology Black Side.

    Main effects of Clenbuterol Genopharm

    Clenbuterol was created for the treatment of asthma. However, during clinical trials, it was found that this drug is a strong fat burner. After the publication of the results of these studies, athletes paid close attention to clenbuterol. At the same time, for a long time it was believed that it is not only a fat burner, but also an anabolic.

    It was assumed that with its help, athletes will be able not only to get rid of excess fat, but also to gain mass. At the same time, clen does not have a steroid nature. However, bodybuilders were disappointed – having decided to order Genopharm clenbuterol, you will not be able to gain mass with it. As for the fat-burning properties of this medication, they are not in doubt.

    Clenbuterol works in several directions at once. One of its main abilities is the activation of beta-2 type adrenoreceptors. They are located on the surface of cellular structures of adipose tissues. The main task of beta-2 adrenoreceptors is the activation of lipolysis processes.

    Clenbuterol stimulates the activity of the nervous system.Under the influence of this medication, metabolism is accelerated, as well as the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine. All this also contributes to the burning of body fat reserves. Let's note the main positive effects of a fat burner:

    • activates the release of fatty acids from adipocytes,
    • accelerates the production of norepinephrine and adrenaline,
    • body temperature increases
    • decreased appetite,
    • has strong fat burning properties.

    It should also be said that the price of clenbuterol from Genopharm in our online store looks attractive.

    Rules for the use of Clenbuterol Genopharm

    Clenbuterol is used by athletes according to one of two regimens. In the first case, only a fat burner is used. The duration of such a course should not exceed 14 weeks. Start using a daily dose of 25 mg. Then systematically increase it to the maximum. Note that during the day, men can consume no more than 120 mcg, and women – 100 mcg. At the final stage of the course, the dosage of the medication should be gradually reduced until it is completely canceled.

    The main difference of the second scheme is the presence of the medication ketotifen in the course. It is not able to help athletes improve athletic performance, however, ketotifen partially suppresses the negative effects of clenbuterol and stimulates the receptors. The second property is more important. The fact is that when used solo, the duration of the course cannot exceed 14 weeks. This is due precisely to the suppression of the activity of receptors. If you take clenbuterol for more than two weeks, then the effectiveness of the course will drop sharply.

    You can fix this problem with ketotifen. This medication is introduced into the course in the second week and is taken simultaneously with clenbuterol.The daily dosage of this drug is 1-2 mg. The combination allows you to increase the duration of the course up to 30 days. It is quite obvious that the effectiveness of the use of a fat burner increases significantly. Numerous reviews confirm all of the above.


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