Aquatestirox Cipla Testosterone Suspension | 10 ml/100 mg



Suspension of testosterone from the manufacturer Cipla is a short-acting drug. It has a number of unique qualities and is very popular among professional athletes. Nevertheless, bodybuilding enthusiasts often decide to buy a testosterone suspension. You can do this on favorable terms in our online store of sports pharmacology Black Side.

Main effects of Cipla Testosterone Suspension

Already from the name of the steroid it is clear that it is based on a synthetic male hormone. Unlike other testosterone-containing preparations, Aquatestirox does not contain an ether residue. This makes the drug stronger, but also reduces the half-life of the active ingredient. As for the combination of sterile properties, they are similar to the male hormone.

We note the main positive properties:

  • stimulates the processes of hypertrophy of muscle tissues,
  • has a high fat-burning activity,
  • increases strength,
  • is a powerful anti-catabolic
  • enhances sexual desire.

Aquatestirox will help you achieve your goals. As for the price of suspensions. testosterone from Cipla, then she looks attractive.

Rules for the solo course Aquatestirox Cipla

Since this is the shortest testosterone containing anabolic steroid, it is necessary to inject every day. In this case, a single dosage is 50-100 mg. The duration of the course rarely exceeds 1-1.5 months. This is due to the high frequency of injections. After stopping the drug, it is mandatory to carry out post-cycle therapy 2-3 days after the last injection. The duration of rehabilitation therapy is 3-4 weeks.During this time, take tamoxifen or clomiphene citrate daily.

Features of combining a steroid

Testosterone suspension can be used in combination with other steroids. It is worth conducting combined courses only if you have extensive experience in the use of sports pharmacology. There are no restrictions on the choice of links. Athletes use aquatestirox together with testosterone propionate, drostanolone, winstrol, testosterone phenylpropionate, etc.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Aquatestirox by Cipla is a fairly powerful anabolic-androgenic steroid. This fact suggests that the risks of developing side effects when using it are high. Most often, athletes have to deal with the negative effects of the estrogenic type. This is due to the high tendency of the steroid to aromatize. Thus, on his courses, you need to use aromatase inhibitors without fail.

Since it is a strong androgen, you may experience side effects of this type as well. If this happens, start taking finasteride. In theory, this anabolic can suppress the activity of the pituitary axis. However, this is only possible with prolonged use of the steroid – from three months. Not a single athlete can withstand such a number of injections.

Aquatestirox is the most popular among professional athletes. They use it in the final stage of preparation for tournaments in order to improve the relief of the body and increase strength. In the mass-gaining period, it is practically not used, all because of the same high frequency of injections. After reviewing the testosterone suspension reviews from Cipla, you will understand that this drug, when used correctly, may well be a safe means to improve athletic performance. You just need to strictly follow all the recommendations.


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