Trenoged A Trenbolone Acetate EPF | 10 ml/vial – 75 mg/ml



EPF Trenbolone Acetate is a powerful all-round steroid. This drug is very popular among professional athletes and bodybuilding enthusiasts. We recommend buying trenbolone acetate from the Moldovan manufacturer EPF only for experienced athletes. This is due to the high impact of this anabolic-androgenic steroid on the body. Often, athletes say that the price of trenaged a from EPF is too high. However, given the effectiveness of the drug, this is absolutely not the case.

Main Effects of Trenbolone Acetate EPF

Trained a is based on the shortest ester of tren – acetate. This substance differs from other trenbolone ester compounds only in its half-life. As for anabolic and androgenic activity, these figures are 400 and 200 percent, respectively. It is thanks to this that trenbolone is one of the most powerful steroids on the modern pharmacology market.

Consider the main positive effects of the drug:

  • actively stimulates the processes of hypertrophy of muscle tissues without active water retention,
  • significantly increased strength and performance,
  • is a powerful anti-catabolic
  • has strong fat burning properties.

These are the main effects that you can get if you decide to order trenbolone acetate from EPF and you can do it at a bargain price in our Black Side online store. It is thanks to their presence that this steroid is very popular among athletes.

Trenoged A EPF solo course rules

A single dose of anabolic is 75-150 mg.Due to the short half-life of the active ingredient, you will need to inject every third day. The duration of courses with the participation of anabolic is most often 1.5-2 months. After stopping taking trenbolone, it is mandatory to carry out post-cycle therapy.

Note that the use of tamoxifen at this time is not recommended. This is due to the ability of this antiestrogen to activate the prolactin receptor. Since toremifene is quite expensive, the vast majority of athletes use Clomid for rehabilitation therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

Trainaged a can be used with almost all steroid drugs. The only exception are nandrolones. There are no other restrictions on combined use. Most bodybuilders use it in combination with testosterone phenylpropionate, turinabol, oxandrolone, stanozolol, winstrol, primobolan, testosterone propionate. You can also combine the reception with powerful mass-gaining anabolics.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Since this is one of the most powerful steroids on the market, the risks of developing side effects on its courses are high. First of all, we are talking about progestogenic negative effects. The reason for their appearance is associated with the ability of the drug to interact with prolactin receptors. As a result, men may experience estrogen-like side effects. To avoid health problems, use cabergoline. With the help of this medication, you can quickly reduce the concentration of prolactin.

In addition, trenbolone acetate is able to quickly suppress the performance of the pituitary axis.This situation is possible on courses that last more than 6 weeks. To stimulate the activity of the HH axis, use gonadotropin. Do not exclude the possibility of developing side effects of the androgenic type. Since the active component of the steroid is not converted to dihydrotestosterone, drugs such as finasteride will not help you solve the problems that have arisen. If you have not used this anabolic before, then study the reviews of trenbolone acetate from the EPF manufacturer.


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