Tren H Parabolan Spectrum | 10 ml/vial – 100 mg/ml



Through the use of steroids, athletes significantly improve their athletic performance. These drugs produce a variety of effects on the body. With their help, you can gain weight, increase physical parameters and improve the relief of the body. Trenbolone Parabolan from the manufacturer Spectrum is one of the most powerful anabolic-androgenic steroids. It is quite obvious that this anabolic is very popular among athletes. At the same time, only experienced athletes can buy trenbolone parabolan from Spectrum. This is due to the high strength of the anabolic.

Main effects of Parabolan Spectrum

The active component of this steroid is trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate. This substance is a modified version of nandrolone. Improvements have affected the ratio of the main steroid indicators, as well as the ability of trenbolone to interact with the aromatase enzyme. Let's consider these points in more detail.

As mentioned above, trenbolone hexa is one of the most powerful steroids on the modern sports pharmacology market. Its anabolic activity is 4 times higher than testosterone, and androgenic – 2 times. As for the tendency to aromatization, unlike nandrolone, it is completely devoid of it.

By deciding to order Trenbolone Parabolan from Spectrum, you can expect to receive the following effects:

  • provides a rapid increase in muscle mass of good quality,
  • accelerates the processes of reduction of adipose tissue,
  • increases physical parameters,
  • stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor,
  • enhances sexual desire.

It should also be noted that, given the performance, the price of trenbolone Parabolan Spectrum looks very attractive.

Tren H Spectrum solo course rules

As mentioned above, parabolan is intended for experienced athletes. Due to the long half-life of the active ingredient, it is enough for you to give injections no more than twice within seven days. This will allow you to ensure an even hormonal background throughout the course. The weekly dosage is in the range of 150-300 mg. The duration of the courses in most cases is 2-3 months.

After stopping the use of this drug, it is imperative to carry out restorative therapy. Clomiphene citrate is the optimal choice for solving the tasks. Athletes practically do not use tamoxifen for post-cycle therapy after courses of nandrolones and trenbolones. This is due to the fact that tamox stimulates the work of prolactin receptors.

Features of combining a steroid

Parabolan is great for combined courses. Given the fact that this anabolic is a mass-gaining one, athletes prefer to use it in conjunction with testosterone cypionate, boldenone, anadrol, testosterone enanthate, sustanon.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Parabolan is a powerful anabolic and androgen. This suggests that the risks of developing side effects in its courses are high. After studying the reviews of trenbolone parabolan Spectrum, it becomes clear that with the proper use of this anabolic steroid, athletes can avoid health problems. On the courses of trenbolone, you must definitely take cabergoline.This medication is able to quickly suppress the progestogenic activity of tren.

Also, its ability to actively suppress the performance of the pituitary axis should be considered a serious disadvantage. This can lead to a sharp slowdown in the production of endogenous testosterone. To avoid them, enter gonadotropin into the course lasting from six weeks.


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