Testosterone Cypionate Testosterone Cypionate Cygnus Pharmaceuticals | 10ml – 200mg/ml



Testosterone cypionate from the pharmaceutical company Cygnus Pharmaceuticals is a strong mass-gathering steroid. This drug is very popular among bodybuilders. In addition to the ability to gain a large amount of mass, cypionate allows you to significantly increase strength. You can buy testosterone cypionate from Cygnus Pharmaceuticals inexpensively in our Black Side online store.

Main Effects of Testosterone Cypionate Cygnus Pharmaceuticals

The active component of the steroid has a long half-life. This suggests that athletes are relieved of the need to make frequent injections. Synthetic testosterone is almost identical to the endogenous hormone in almost everything. The only exception is the half-life. As for the combination of the main steroid properties of the drug, the anabolic and androgenic activity is 100 percent each.

One of the factors behind the popularity of this anabolic-androgenic steroid is its excellent performance. In addition, the steroid is perfectly accepted by the body. When using it, you are insured against unpleasant surprises. That is why many athletes decide to order testosterone cypionate from Cygnus Pharmaceuticals.

We note the main positive effects of the steroid:

  • actively stimulates the processes of hypertrophy of muscle tissues,
  • increases strength and performance
  • improves the condition of all elements of the articular-ligamentous apparatus,
  • eliminates pain in the joints,
  • strengthens bones.

Also, athletes often note the fact that the price of testosterone cypionate from the manufacturer Cygnus Pharmaceuticals looks attractive.

Rules for the solo course Testosterone Cypionate Cygnus Pharmaceuticals

As mentioned above, cypionate is a prolonged drug. Thanks to this, it is enough for you to do no more than two injections within seven days. The weekly dosage of the steroid is in the range of 250-750 mg. The duration of the testosterone Cygnus Pharmaceuticals course is 2-3 months. After stopping the drug, carry out post-cycle therapy. Take tamoxifen or clomiphene citrate daily for 3-4 weeks. Also, the antiestrogen, for example, anastrozole, must be present in the course.

Features of combining a steroid

Testosterone cypionate from Cygnus Pharmaceuticals is used by experienced athletes in combination with other anabolic drugs. Among the most popular bundles are: oxymetholone, trenbolone enanthate, parabolan, boldenone.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Testosterone cypionate is a strong steroid drug. This indicates the presence of risks of side effects. Most often, novice athletes are faced with the negative effects of the estrogen type. The reason for their appearance lies in the ability of cypionate to interact with the aromatase enzyme. As a result, the reaction of the conversion of the male hormone into estrogen is activated. To reduce the level of female hormones, use aromatase inhibitors.

Negative effects of the androgenic type on courses are relatively rare. When they appear, you can use finasteride. A more serious problem for athletes may be a decrease in the performance of the pituitary axis. This is possible in powerful courses, the duration of which exceeds 3 months. You can eliminate it with the help of gonadotropin.This medication mimics the work of the hormones of the gonadotropic group and stimulates the HH axis. Numerous athlete reviews about testosterone cypionate from Cygnus Pharmaceuticals will confirm the high efficiency of this anabolic steroid, as well as its safety when all recommendations for use are followed.


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