Testirox E Testosterone Enanthate Cipla | 10 ml – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone Enanthate Cipla is very popular among strength athletes. With the help of this AAS, they can increase their strength parameters and gain a large amount of mass. Due to the high efficiency and good level of safety, many builders decide to buy testosterone enanthate from Cipla.

Main effects of Testosterone Enanthate Cipla

The active component of this AAS is an ester of a synthetic male hormone. The drug is able to affect the body for a long time, and you do not have to do frequent injections. Enanthate from cypla can be used by athletes of any level:

  • novice builders should conduct solo courses,
  • Experienced athletes prefer to combine Testirox E Cipla with other AAS.

It should be said right away that only men can take the injectable Testosterone Enanthate Cipla. Women are strongly discouraged from using testosterone-based anabolics. Enanthate is a strong anabolic and androgen. The steroid profile of the drug is almost completely similar to the endogenous hormone. The only exception is the half-life, which is much higher for the steroid.

We note the main positive effects of the drug:

  • allows you to gain a large amount of mass,
  • improves the performance of the joints and eliminates pain in these parts of the body,
  • the course increases strength and performance,
  • enhances sexual activity.

It should also be said that it actively stimulates the hematopoietic system. As a result, athletes can achieve a powerful pumping effect on the course. As for the price of Testirox E, it looks attractive.One of the most important factors in the high popularity of this AAS is the excellent ratio of cost and effectiveness of the steroid.

Rules for the solo course Testirox E Cipla

Within seven days, it is enough for you to do a maximum of 2 injections. Such an anabolic administration scheme will allow you to ensure an even hormonal background throughout the course. The weekly dose is in the range of 250-750 mg. The duration of the course is 8-12 weeks. 14-16 days after the last steroid injection, begin PCT. Within 3-5 weeks, depending on the strength of the course, 20 mg of tamox or 50 mg of Clomiphene Citrate are taken daily.

Features of combining a steroid

Testosterone Enanthate Cipla goes well with any anabolics. However, among athletes, combinations of this steroid with strong mass-gathering AAS are the most popular. These include Deca, Trenbolone Enanthate, Parabolan, Turinabol, Boldenone, Oxymetholone. The use of these bundles will allow you to get the best possible results.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Numerous reviews of Cipla's Nestosterone Enanthate indicate a high level of drug safety. However, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of side effects on its course. Let's not forget that this is a strong mass-gaining steroid. The most common side effects of athletes are of the estrogen type.

The reason for their appearance is a high tendency to aromatization. However, today builders have excellent medications to combat the estrogenic activity of anabolics – aromatase inhibitors. One of them should be included in the enanthate course. It should also be remembered that Testirox E actively suppresses the performance of the pituitary axis. To avoid serious problems on courses lasting from three months, you have to take Gonadotropin.


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