Test E Testosterone Enanthate Magnus Pharmaceuticals | 10 ml/vial – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals is a strong and high-quality mass-gathering steroid. This drug is manufactured by a well-known pharmaceutical company. From the moment Magnus Pharma products appeared on the market, she began to enjoy success among domestic bodybuilders. On the most favorable terms, you can buy testosterone enanthate from the manufacturer Magnus Pharmaceuticals in our online store of sports pharmacology Black Side. If necessary, managers will provide professional advice.

Main Effects of Testosterone Enanthate Magnus Pharmaceuticals

Testosterone enanthate became the first mono ester of a synthetic male hormone of prolonged action. It is quite obvious that immediately after its appearance on the market, it began to enjoy great popularity among athletes. However, then the situation changed. This happened after the development and appearance on the market of the second long-acting testosterone mono ester – cypionate.

Today, these drugs enjoy approximately the same success with athletes. Enanthate is a strong mass-gathering drug. The indicators of anabolic and androgenic activity of this anabolic-androgenic steroid are 100 percent each.

Among the main positive qualities of the drug, it is worth noting:

  • increases appetite, but does not appear a feeling of false hunger,
  • allows you to gain muscle mass,
  • increases strength and performance
  • improves the mineralization of bone tissues, which leads to their strengthening,
  • positively affects the functioning of the joints.

Numerous reviews of testosterone enanthate from Magnus Pharmaceuticals confirm the high effectiveness of this steroid.

Rules for conducting a solo course Test E Magnus Pharmaceuticals

To avoid hormonal pits on the course, it is enough for you to do a maximum of 2 injections within seven days. In this case, the weekly dose of the drug is 250-750 mg. The duration of the test e course from Magnus Pharmaceuticals is 2-3 months. After stopping the drug, it is imperative to carry out restorative therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

Test e is great for combined courses. Thanks to the right combination of drugs, bodybuilders can increase the effectiveness of sports pharmacology without increasing the risk of side effects. Since enka is traditionally used by bodybuilders during the period of mass gain, the optimal bundles are: parabolan, boldenone, anadrol, trenbolone enanthate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

Enanthate is a strong steroid, which implies certain risks of side effects. If the athlete follows all the recommendations when compiling and conducting the course, then there will be no health problems. However, athletes should be aware of the potential negative effects. The most common side effects are estrogenic. To combat them, it is enough to use aromatase inhibitors, for example, anastrozole.

Also, enanthate is able to suppress the performance of the pituitary axis. As a result, the rate of production of endogenous male hormone gradually decreases. At some point, the body may completely stop synthesizing endogenous testosterone. To prevent this from happening, you should introduce gonadotropin into the course for more than 12 weeks.


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