Strombaged EPF Stanozolol | 50 tablets – 10 mg/table



Stanozolol from the manufacturer EPF is a drug in demand on the modern pharmacology market. The products of this Moldovan company are very popular among athletes from around the world. The main feature of this anabolic is its ability to significantly increase endurance. Recall that most anabolic-androgenic steroids primarily stimulate the growth of strength indicators. Representatives of cyclic sports can buy Stanozolol from EPF.

This drug has a high level of safety. Thanks to this, athletes can order the drug. Women have the opportunity to use this drug with minimal health risks.

Main effects of Stanozolol EPF

The steroid is based on the substance of the same name. It is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Like the original hormone, strombaged is unable to interact with the aromatase enzyme. However, its indicator of androgenic activity is significantly lower in comparison with dihydrotestosterone. It is only 30 percent. As for the anabolic activity of the drug, this figure is 320 percent.

Let's note the main positive effects of anabolic:

  • has strong fat burning properties,
  • improves the relief of the body,
  • stimulates the growth of strength, performance and endurance,
  • accelerates the process of removing fluid from the body,
  • is a powerful anti-catabolic.

If you want to purchase this anabolic, then contact our online sports pharmacology store Black Side. We are sure that you will like our Stanozolol EPF price.

Strombaged EPF solo course rules

Since the active component of the steroid has a short half-life, it is necessary to take the tablets every day. In this case, the daily dosage depends on the gender of the athletes. Women are strongly discouraged from taking more than 20 mg per day. For men, the maximum daily dosage is 60 mg.

Course duration rarely exceeds 2 months. The fact is that all oral anabolics have a certain hepatotoxicity. As a result, liver function may be impaired. To avoid this, do not take anabolic steroid tablets for more than 8 weeks. We also recommend post-cycle therapy after stopping the steroid.

Features of combining a steroid

With the help of combined courses, you can increase the effectiveness of the use of pharmacology. At the same time, the risks of developing side effects will remain practically unchanged. Since stanozolol is a powerful fat burner, it is most often used by bodybuilders during the drying period. This suggests that it should be combined with testosterone phenylpropionate, masteron, primobolan, testosterone propionate, trenbolone acetate. These strombaged combinations from EPF are the most popular among athletes. Experienced athletes can also conduct combined courses with his participation. However, they can only use this steroid in conjunction with Primobolan. The use of other bundles will significantly increase the risk of side effects.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

On the Internet, you can easily find reviews of Stanozolol from EPF. Their number eloquently speaks of the high popularity of this anabolic.Athletes constantly note the high level of safety strombaged. If you follow all the rules for using this anabolic drug, you will probably not encounter negative effects. We strongly recommend that you strictly follow our advice on the use of stanozolol.


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