SP Enanthate Testosterone Enanthate SP Labs | 10 ml/vial – 250 mg/ml



Testosterone enanthate from the Moldovan manufacturer SP Labs is an effective mass-gaining steroid. With proper use, this drug can be safely considered safe. Athletes decide to buy testosterone enanthate from SP Labs to gain muscle mass, as well as to increase strength. In cyclic sports, this drug is not as widely distributed as in power sports. However, it remains one of the most popular anabolic-androgenic steroids on the market.

Main effects of Testosterone Enanthate SP Labs

This drug differs from the endogenous male hormone only by a higher half-life. Thus, the indicators of anabolic and androgenic activity of the drug are equal and amount to 100 percent. Enanthate was the first long-acting testosterone-containing steroid.

It is quite obvious that he immediately began to enjoy great success among athletes. Even after testosterone cypionate appeared on the market, enka retained the palm for a long time. Today the situation has changed and athletes are actively acquiring both anabolics. This is quite logical, because there are no serious differences between them.

At the same time, domestic athletes still somewhat more often decide to order testosterone enanthate from SP Labs. Note the positive properties of anabolic:

  • improves general tone,
  • enhances metabolism,
  • helps athletes recover faster after training sessions,
  • stimulates the processes of hypertrophy of muscle fibers,
  • increases performance and strength
  • eliminates pain in the joints,
  • enhances sexual desire.

On the Internet, you can easily find testosterone enanthate reviews from SP Labs.Almost all of them are positive. Athletes first of all note the excellent effectiveness of this anabolic. At the same time, they do not forget to mention that the price of testosterone enanthate from SP Labs is fully consistent with the effectiveness of the steroid.

SP Enanthate SP Labs Solo Course Rules

Since this is a long-acting drug, frequent injections are not required. You can maintain an even hormonal background with a maximum of two injections for seven days. The weekly dosage is 250-750 mg. In professional sports, higher doses are used. To eliminate the estrogenic activity of the anabolic, add aromatase inhibitors to the sp enanthate SP Labs course. Also, the field of discontinuation of enanthate intake is necessary to carry out post-cycle therapy.

Features of combining a steroid

Testosterone enanthate is great for combined use. There are no restrictions on the drugs used. Enka can be used by you in conjunction with tablet and injectable AAS. When compiling a combined course, it is important to take into account the main scope of enanthate – mass gain. That is why athletes prefer to introduce parabolan, trenbolone enanthate, oxymetholone, boldenone into the combined courses.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

If you use sports pharmacology in accordance with the recommendations, then the risks of developing side effects will be minimal. We have already noted above that aromatase inhibitors are used to combat the estrogenic activity of this steroid drug. It is with the negative effects of this type that athletes encounter most often.

With prolonged use of enanthate in large doses, the activity of the pituitary soy decreases. As a result, the rate of synthesis of endogenous male hormone decreases. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to take gonadotropin. Introduce this medication as part of courses lasting from 12 weeks.


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