Oxandrolone Oxandrolone Genopharm | 20 tablets – 10 mg/table


  • The growth of power indicators
  • Suitable for women
  • Fat burning effect
  • Increasing the relief of muscles
  • Increasing growth hormone levels
  • No aromatization
  • Description

    Oxandrolone from the manufacturer Genopharm is the mildest steroid on the modern market of sports pharmacology. The drug is mainly used to increase strength and to accelerate the processes of utilization of fat reserves. You can buy cheap oxandrolone from Genopharm in our Black Side online store.

    Main effects of Oxandrolone Genopharm

    The active ingredient of the same name is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Nevertheless, oxandrolone has one major difference from the original hormone – the lowest indicator of androgenic activity. The corresponding figure is only 25 percent of testosterone. At the same time, oxandrolone is a powerful anabolic – 400 percent.

    Despite this ratio of the main steroid properties, this steroid, when used solo, rather weakly stimulates the processes of hypertrophy of muscle tissues. To put it simply, if you decide to order oxandrolone from the manufacturer Genopharm for subsequent solo use, then you will not be able to gain a large amount of mass.

    We note the main positive effects of the steroid:

    • significantly improves the relief of the body,
    • has strong fat burning properties,
    • increases strength, performance and endurance,
    • increases muscle density
    • does not aromatize.

    Athletes often pay attention to the fact that the price of oxandrolone from Genopharm is not the lowest. This fact is easily explained by the high quality of this drug.A large number of reviews speak eloquently about the high popularity of this anabolic. If you wish, you can easily find them on specialized web resources.

    Rules for conducting a solo course Oxandrolone Genopharm

    It should be noted right away that women can use oxandrolone to improve athletic performance. This anabolic-androgenic steroid has long been actively used in traditional medicine for the treatment of certain ailments in women and children. At the same time, the risks of side effects were minimal.

    The recommended daily dose of the drug for women is in the range of 5-20 mg. It is quite obvious that men should take this anabolic in large quantities – 20-80 mg per day. The duration of the course of oxandrolone Genopharm is standard for oral anabolic drugs – 6-8 weeks. Since oxandrolone is a mild drug, after stopping the drug, most athletes do not carry out post-cycle therapy. Note that this is only possible after solo courses of Anavar.

    Features of combining a steroid

    Oxandrolone can be used in conjunction with other steroids. Moreover, it is the combined courses that are most popular among athletes. It is not recommended to take two anabolic tablets at the same time. This suggests that the optimal ligaments are injectables.

    Women can also take combined courses, but the choice of bundles for them is limited to Primobolan. Men have much more opportunities for compiling a combined course. Most often, athletes combine the intake with masteron, testosterone propionate, trenbolone acetate, testosterone phenylpropionate and primobolan.

    What side effects should athletes be wary of?

    Oxandrolone is the safest steroid. This fact is explained by the lack of progestogenic and estrogenic activity. In addition, oxandrolone is a weak androgen. As a result, you are guaranteed not to encounter these types of side effects. Moreover, on solo courses, negative effects are unlikely unless you significantly exceed the recommended dosages.


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