Drostanolone Propionate Masteron Propionate Swiss Remedies | 10 ampoule/ml – 100 mg/ml


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Every athlete strives to acquire high-quality sports pharmacology. This desire is quite justified and understandable, because fake drugs can cause serious harm to the body. If you decide to buy Masteron Propionate from Swiss Remedies, then do it in our Black Side online store. We sell products of well-known pharmaceutical companies. We are sure that many athletes will like our price for Swiss Remedies masteron propionate.

This drug is very popular in the sports field. This is explained by its excellent performance and high degree of safety. With the help of Masteron, athletes conduct effective drying courses, as well as increase their strength potential. Since this is one of the safest steroids, athletes of different levels of training can purchase it.

Main Effects of Masteron Propionate Swiss Remedies

The active ingredient drostanolone propionate is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and has a short half-life. Masteron received a high rate of androgenic activity from the original hormone. This sets it apart from other anabolic-androgenic steroids, which have a higher anabolic activity compared to androgenic. It is because of the strong androgenicity that only men can order Masteron Propionate from Swiss Remedies.

Drostanolone, after its appearance on the market, has been used for a long time as a treatment for oncological diseases of the breast. Showing excellent results, it often causes the development of virilization in women. As a result, it was decided to abandon its use.

Today, Masteron is actively used only in the sports field. We note the main positive qualities of this AAS:

  • has powerful fat burning properties,
  • accelerates the processes of liquid utilization,
  • is a strong anti-catabolic,
  • improves the relief of the body,
  • increases the power potential of athletes and performance.

To purchase Masteron Propionate from Swiss Remedies on favorable terms, you just need to contact our Black Side sports pharmacology store.

Rules for the solo course Drostanolone Propionate Swiss Remedies

Due to the small half-life of the active ingredient, you have to give injections every other day. A single dose of short drostanolone is 100-200 mg. The duration of courses with his participation rarely exceeds 6-8 weeks. After stopping the drug, it is worth conducting a light post-cycle therapy.

Features of the combination of the drug

Experienced athletes do not use masteron solo. They prefer to combine it with other steroid drugs. This allows you to significantly increase the effectiveness of courses with a relatively small risk of side effects. Having studied the reviews of Swiss Remedies masteron propionate, you can easily compile a list of the most popular bundles: primobolan, stanozolol, turinabol, testosterone phenylpropionate, trenbolone acetate, winstrol, testosterone propionate.

What side effects should athletes be wary of?

As mentioned above, Masteron has a high degree of safety for the male body. Recall that this steroid is contraindicated for women. Despite the high rate of androgenic activity, the risks of developing side effects of this type in men are low. Also, drostanolone does not have progestogenic and estrogenic activity.All this indicates a high degree of safety of this anabolic steroid. Nevertheless, this statement is true only if the athletes follow all the recommendations.


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